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"Yes grandma."
A sigh leaves Taehyung lips, a smile tugs at the corners and he receives a slap on the back of his head.

"Don't talk to me like that."
She glares at the male, not agreeing with the tone used towards her and letting him know how disrespectful it was.

"Jesus, grandma. I told you ten times that Jeongguk and Neri are coming over at three and that i will clean the living room past hour."
His grandma furrows her eyebrows and looks at him, telling him that he's going crazy and she did not ask him before.
"Damn you really are getting old."
Taehyung playfully winks at her, he turns around and places the mugs of tea he just made down on the coffee table in the living room and sits down on the couch. The boy bites his lower lip, getting a little concerned about his grandma.

"Hey, beautiful?"
His grandma's head shoots up, almost knocking over the tray of freshly baked cookies that she just took out of the oven, burning her arm.
"Damn grandma, be careful."
Taehyung runs to the kitchen, placing her arm under lukewarm water and cooling the burn down.
"Stay like this, i'll get you some cooling gel and a bandage."

His grandma thanks him, keeping her arm in place and sweetly looks back at him.

The male roams through the bathroom cabinets to try and find what he needs, lots of thoughts invading his mind and his teeth sunk into his bottom lip. Taehyung takes his phone out of his pocket and decided to text two people; Jimin and Jeongguk.

His thumb presses send and he patiently waits for one of them to reply, checking the times to see if the two of them would even be awake. The message at the top of the screen makes his eyes widen and a sad smile tugs at his lips.

"Take her to a doctor."

Taehyung tucks his phone away and grabs the stuff he needs to walk back and help his grandma.

"Grandma, let's go see a doctor for this, you're getting older and you don't heal like how you did a few years ago."
His grandma nods and pats his head, she thanks the male and kisses his forehead before she steps out of the kitchen and makes her way towards the hallway to put on her shoes.

"You coming? You walk even slower than i do, and i'm seventy-eight."
Taehyung chuckles and turns off the oven, noticing that she forgot about it. A soft sight leaves his lips, a smile again tugging at the corners and he makes his way to the hallway himself to help her into her coat and drive her to her doctor.
"We need to be quick, Jeongguk and Neri are coming, did you clean the living room?"

"I know grandma, we'll be quick, i promise."
Taehyung buckles her seatbelt and texts Jeongguk that he probably won't make 3 p.m. and that he'll let him know when he arrives home. The male places his phone in the cupholder and buckles his belt, not being used to sitting in his care since he always walks towards places; the park, Jeongguk's house or even the store.

"Would Neri like strawberries?"
Taehyung nods and taps his ring on his right hand onto the steering wheel.

"I'm pretty sure she likes them."
He softly smiles and shortly glances towards her.

"Who likes what?"

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