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A soft breeze blows through Taehyung's hair, his head thrown back and his legs stretched out. The sound of the waves hitting the shore and bird chirping around him clears his head. The male sighs, looking forwards and when his gaze falls onto the sea, he takes a canvas out of his bag and starts painting. The beautiful contrast of the sand and water, the sky behind the sea, mingling in with the clouds and blue colors. The little girl and her dad playing in it and their giggles escaping from their lips. 

Jeongguk screams and runs towards him, his mouth almost turning into a box and his nose scrunched when Neri runs after him, hands full of mud and seaweed and ready to throw and smear it all over her target; her dad.

The male hides behind Taehyung, his bare chest pressed against Taehyung's clothed back.
"Taehyungie save me!"
The said male chuckles and grabs Jeongguk's wrist, smiling softly at him and pushing him towards his daughter.

"I'm painting, leave me alone, Jeon."
Taehyung giggles when Neri peppers her dad with mud, sand and seaweed.

"Look, Tata! I mades a painting out of daddy!"
Taehyung laughs at the sighs of Jeongguk covered in mud until his stomach since the girl couldn't throw higher.

"You're so artistic, Neri. You'll be a great painter when you grow up!"
Jeongguk sits down next to Taehyung, looking at his daughter who's now distracted by seashells and sand.

"You know, you should be punished for what you did."
Jeongguk smirks evilly and pins Taehyung's hands down on the plaid they're seated on.

"Jeongguk don't you dare make me dirty!"
The younger chuckles and grabs Taehyung's wrists in his left hand, smearing some mud from his stomach onto the boy's cheek.

"There. Karma."
Jeongguk winks at the boy, a scoff and glare pointed towards the other male. The younger male smiles softly, adoring Taehyung's features and disgusted face when he wipes the mud off of his face with Jeongguk's shirt.
"T-that's my shirt!"

"Yea, and this is my face!"
The male points at his face, a smile on his lips and a sighs emitting from his throat. Jeongguk cocks his head to the side, noticing a little bit of left-over mud on his cheek. The male carefully extends his arm, wiping the mud off with his thumb without breaking eye contact. Taehyung clears his throat, snapping out of his thoughts and breaking the tension between the two.

Taehyung shyly looks down and bites his lip, trying to calm himself and his thoughts down by listening to the sound of the waves, unfortunately he just couldn't stop thinking about the younger's dark brown eyes and pretty pink lips.

The younger on the other hand was struggling with the same thing, embarrassed about creating such a tension between the two of them. What if Taehyung isn't interested in him? What if Taehyung can't see him as something else than 'just a friend'. Jeongguk bits his lower lip and glances over to Neri who apparently made friends with a crab.

"It's uhm.. hot, don't you think."
Jeongguk looks over to the male, nodding his head and his eyes widening when Taehyung decides to stand up and unbutton his shirt. He slides the fabric down his shoulders and lets it hang on the inside of his elbows, not fully taking it off. The male sits down again and leans his head back, taking in the warmth of the sun.

Jeongguk couldn't help but think of the male as 'breathtaking'.

"Tata! Look, i mades a friend!"
Neri waddles over to Taehyung and shows him the tiny crab, handing it over to him and letting it crawl over his arm, making him smile brightly. The male tells her how amazing it is that she makes such special friends and how sweet she is for the little creature.

Taehyung tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and winks at her, patting her butt and telling her to go play again.

"She likes you so much, sometimes i'm jealous."
Jeongguk chuckles and looks at Taehyung, who's staring at the sea in front of him.

"You shouldn't be, you're her dad and no one can ever replace that position."
Taehyung smiles sadly.
"Everyone can be a 'father' but not everyone can be a 'dad'."
Jeongguk smiles, knowing that the male is right. Everyone can become a father but not everyone cares about their children like a dad would, and that hits the younger male hard. He can't imagine how it would be if his dad wouldn't be there for him, or when his parents were divorced. They were always this happy little family that everyone dreamed of.

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