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Taehyung admires the sight of wrapping paper on the table, giving his gift an expensive glow to it. The male smiles at it and hastily starts to clear away the foils, tape, pens and paper before Jeongguk comes home. The younger male could arrive any minute and anxiety is creeping up Taehyung's spine. The male exhales and takes a deep breath, his hand reaches for the lighter and he lights a few candles for ambience. The sushi is set onto the dinner table and the blinds are closed, the sound of fumbling with the lock indicates that his boyfriend is finally home.

Jeongguk's eyes scan around the hallway, he takes his shoes off and places them near the door. The younger male makes his way towards the living room and smiles softly at the sight of the candles and dinner.
"What have you been up to, sweetheart?"
He presses a soft kiss against Taehyung's temple and wraps his arms around him from behind.

"Just treating you a bit today, don't get used to it."
Taehyung giggles softly and turns around in Jeongguk's hold. The male softly connects their lips and wraps his arms around Jeongguk's neck, pulling him closer to his own chest. The younger playfully bites Taehyung's lower lip and smirks in the kiss, his hands travel down his sides and over the curve of the male's ass to squeeze the flesh softly. A soft yelp leaves Taehyung's throat, making Jeongguk chuckle lowly.

The younger male pecks his lips one more time and pulls back a bit, staring into the other's eyes before noticing the wrapping paper behind the man.
"What's that?"
The male's eyes glisten with excitement and he bounces on his feet.

"It's for you, sit down, i'll hand it to you."
The male sits down onto the couch and smiles widely, his nose scrunching up and legs bouncing quickly.
"You're so cute."
Taehyung giggles and hands the male the gift, placing it onto his lap before telling him that it's kind of fragile. Jeongguk nods and carefully rips the paper and tape to show the present to himself. His eyes start tearing up when he notices what it is, almost feeling like a punch in the gut, a good one.

"Thank you Taehyungie."
The male cups Taehyung's cheek and kisses him softly, tears roll down Jeongguk's cheeks and onto their lips.
"It's beautiful. How did you make this without me seeing it?"

Taehyung chuckles softly and glances over at the male, memories flowing into his head again.
"Every time i went to grandma i would bring a picture of this scenario with me, Neri playing with a butterfly while you tickle her and try to get her away from it since her mom would be picking her up soon."
Another soft chuckle leaves his lips, a smile tugs at the corners and his glossy eyes look up at Jeongguk's.

"You've done so much for me and taught me endless things, Gguk.

You're my Canvas."

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