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"Okay, bye, have fun."
Jeongguk presses the screen of his phone to end the call and squeal in happiness, jumping back into bed on top of his boyfriend, earning a huff from him. Jeongguk has a wide, euphoric smile on his face, knees on either side of Taehyung's body to straddle his waist.
"Guess what, guess what, guess what!"
Taehyung cups Jeongguk's cheeks, squeezing them in the process to make the boy pout prettily.

"Well, what's up Jeongguk."
The male lazily yawns and pulls the covers - which Jeongguk are seated on - towards his chest in a failed attempt.

"The little princess will be out of the house for a week!"
The younger's mouth is opened in an excited smile, surprising Taehyung.

"You hate it when Neri's gone, you weirdo. Who are you and what did you do to my boyfriend?"
Taehyung tickles Jeongguk's sides, making him fall over in laughter. Tears start to make his eyes glossy and arms cross over his chest, pants leave his lips and legs are fighting to be brought up to his chest. Taehyung retracts his hands from Jeongguk's sides only to slide them in between his thighs to open them and crawl in between. Jeongguk's eyes widen due to the boy not being able to process the foreign feeling of Taehyung being slightly dominant. The older brings his lips down to Jeongguk's slightly exposed thighs, only covered by a pair of plain black basketball shorts, and kisses his way down to Jeongguk's calves.

Jeongguk props himself up on his elbows and raises an eyebrow towards the older male.
"What are you d-doing?"
Taehyung whispers a 'shh' against the male's skin and pushes him back down by his chest, palm resting flat against the muscles.

"You're so pretty, Gguk."
The male softly bites on the inner part of Jeongguk's left thigh, sucking a hickey onto the skin and marking the boy until he's satisfied with the sight in front of him. Taehyung's hand accidentally brushes over Jeongguk's pelvis, making the male shiver from head to toe.
"Lay still, love."
Taehyung connects his gaze with the other boy's, licking his lips before crawling in between his legs and hovering over him only to attack his lips hungrily. The older's left hand makes it's way towards Jeongguk's waist, caressing the skin softly before trailing towards the hem of his white shirt to lift it up to his chin and dip his head down.

Taehyung softly kisses his pecs and digs his nails unknowingly into the skin of Jeongguk's small waist. The boy whimpers softly and struggles with laying still when Taehyung licks one of his hardened, sensitive buds.
"You like that, huh?"
Jeongguk nods his head, only to receive a soft spank on his thigh.
"Words, Jeongguk."

"Y-yes, Tae, i l-like that."
Jeongguk's eyebrows furrow and his lips slightly part when Taehyung latches his lips around one of the buds and softly sucks on it, flicking his tongue once in a while. A soft whimper leaves his lips once more, a hand strongly grips onto Taehyung's hair to hold him down. Not long after, a harsh grip on Jeongguk's wrist startles him.
"Just lay down and enjoy."
Jeongguk nods hestitantly and visibly gulps, not knowing what he can expect from the older. This is the second time they did anything intimate together and the second time Taehyung did something intimate in general. The boy couldn't say it didn't excite him.

The older trails his hands down Jeongguk's torso, feeling all the muscles clench underneath his touch makes a smirk appear onto his lips. When his gaze falls back onto Jeongguk's shorts, he notices something that catches his attention quickly.

"Aw, already hard? I didn't even touch you properly."
Jeongguk blushes a crimson red and covers his face with the nearest pillow he could find.
"My boyfriend once told me to not be shy."
Taehyung carefully takes the pillow from Jeongguk's hands and throws it towards the door. The younger nods once more and cups Taehyung's cheeks to pull him into a loving kiss. The older hums in between kisses and smirks against Jeongguk's lips when an idea pops into his head.

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