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The delicious aroma of fresh sushi fills Jeongguk's kitchen. The soft laughter of Neri playing in the background and the music on the radio makes Taehyung smile while cutting the roll of sushi into pieces, not realising that a certain brunette is staring at him while he smoothly leans against the fridge, eyes fixated on Taehyung's posture and his sweet smile.

The soft giggles turn louder and the pattering of tiny footsteps on the tiled floor makes the male turn around towards Neri.

"Oh, who's that?"
Taehyung smiles and crouches down, taking the tiger from her hands and making her sit on his thigh.

"That's Tata, he made me think of you!"
Jeongguk chuckles embarrassed, not knowing how Taehyung will react to Neri calling her plushie the same name she started calling Taehyung.

"That's awesome! I never met someone with the same name as i got!"
Taehyung giggles and nuzzles his nose into her neck, she runs off in a fit of laughter and continues to play with the tiger.

Taehyung could only think of one thing at that point; adorable. Neri is truly the most adorable little girl he had met. The male sighs and flinches when a strong hand is placed on his back.

"S-sorry, i didn't mean to scare you."
Jeongguk takes his hand away and looks down, biting his lip out of embarrassment.

"Don't worry, you didn't scare me. I just didn't expect it."
Taehyung takes his hand carefully and guides it towards his back, telling the younger that it's okay to touch him. The male takes a piece of salmon nigiri and holds it to Jeongguk's lips, feeding it to him with a smile on his face.

"Where did you learn to make sushi like this?"
Jeongguk's eyes sparkle, showing that he truly enjoys the food, his hand tries to take another piece, receiving a slap on it with the Makisu Taehyung was using. A soft pout is displayed on Jeongguk's lips, he softy rubs his hand and looks at the elder.

"No touching until dinner is done."
Jeongguk nods and apologizes, whining that it smells so good and tastes even better.
"My grandma taught me, my grandpa was partly Japanese so he taught her. He always scolded me for doing it wrong so my grandma took over."
Taehyung giggles at the thought of his grandparents, softly touching the charm on his necklace.

"Thank them for me."
Jeongguk smiles and notices the boy's face falling.

"My grandpa died three years ago, sadly. He wanted to see so much more of the world."
Jeongguk nods and takes a step back, apologizing for what he said and leaning against the counter.

"Don't say sorry, you couldn't know. Now go get that pretty daughter of yours, i'm done."
Taehyung winks at the male and carries a tray filled with sushi towards the dining table.

Jeongguk runs towards the living room, childishly yelling Neri's name and scooping her up in his arms to receive giggles from the little girl. He runs back to the table and places her down in her seat, adjusting the belt so she can't fall out of it. Neri insisted on getting a 'big girl' chair, Jeongguk agreed but did attach a belt to it because he knows that his daughter is clumsy and will throw herself off of the chair.

The girl hums at the smell of Taehyung walking in with tenderloin, surprising Jeongguk.
"I didn't know you were making this."
Taehyung winks at the boy and tells him that he can't know everything that happens. Jeongguk chuckles again, adoring how the elder took care of him and his daughter. He really couldn't wish for better company.

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