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Jeongguk helps the male into his coat, picking up his princess and making her sit on his arm, opening the door for Taehyung to step out.
"Thank you so much, Taehyung. I really enjoyed today."
Taehyung smiles, tickling Neri softly and nodding at Jeongguk.

"Be safe and text me when you reach home. I'm sorry that i can't bring you home, she really needs to go to bed."
Taehyung nods, understanding that she just turned three and that Neri will be grumpy if she goes to bed too late.

"It's fine, i'll text when i arrive."
Taehyung leans in to peck Jeongguk on the cheek, the soft aura forcing him to wrap his arms around the younger's neck and pulling him into a hug.
"Have a nice night."

Taehyung turns around and down the porch, pulling his coat around his body and glancing over one last time to see Jeongguk and Neri waving at him before closing the door when he reaches out of sight. Taehyung sighs,  thinking over the events that occurred that day. The giggling and playing with Neri, the shoo-ing away of Jeongguk because he tried to steal sushi, the laughing on the couch, the spraying of canned whipped cream onto each other's faces.

The boy chuckles, he really liked hanging out with Jeongguk, maybe he liked it a little too much.

Taehyung presses the button on a pole so the traffic lights would turn green and allow him to cross the street. He fidgets with his hands in his pockets, feeling how the temperature is dropping and his thin coat won't help him that much at this point.

The lights turn green, the male takes a step forward and crosses carefully, knowing that not everyone will stop for a red light. The sounds of cars passing by and the stars trying to show up through the clouds and still slightly blue sky makes the boy think of the walks he and his grandpa would make every evening.

He hadn't realized that he already entered his street and was almost stood in front of his house. Taehyung grabs his keys from his pockets and sticks them into the lock, turning them and opening the door carefully so he wouldn't startle his grandma.
He closes the door behind him, getting unsure about the silence in the house.

Taehyung calls for his grandmother again, getting a little insecure about her.
"Yes dear?"
He sighs out of relief when he sees her standing in the kitchen.

"Thank god, don't scare me like that."
Taehyung releases the breath he didn't know that he was holding, hugging her close. He kisses her cheek and fishes a little box out of his bag, handing it to her.

"Neri wanted you to have this."
She takes the box and pulls the lid off, being met with a piece of sushi.

"I really need to meet her sometime, this girl sounds fantastic."
Taehyung nods and sits down, telling the woman that he needed to text Jeongguk when he reached home. She nods and looks at him, at the smile on his face and the sparkle in his eyes.

"Taehyungie. What are those two to you? Do you secretly like her dad a little bit?"
Taehyung feezes, a lump in his throat and his smile dropping, his teeth sink into his lower lip and he speaks up.

"Grandma, we're just friends."

Just friends

That sounds awful, even if it's the truth. He couldn't lie that Jeongguk isn't a handsome young man with an incredible personality and even a more incredible daughter. And that's the thing, he has a daughter. Why would he be interested in anyone else when he has someone of his own flesh and blood.

Taehyung has never really had a crush, not even in school. The only crush he ever had was on his grandpa, and that was a family-related crush. He just liked the male a lot and that's the only type of love towards someone else he had ever felt, besides Jimin of course.

"Taehyungie, don't get yourself hurt, okay?"
Taehyung nods and shrugs his shoulders, knowing what she means.

"We're just friends grandma, nothing more."

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