893 92 15

~real long chapter ahead

"Maybe i don't want you to hold back."

Jeongguk looks dumbfounded at the male underneath him, a puzzled but excited look on his face.
"A-are you sure?"
Taehyung nods and smiles sweetly. The younger attacks the male's lips with kisses, mumbling a few 'thank you's in between. Taehyung giggles softly and squeals when Jeongguk lifts him up from the couch and bolts upstairs. The younger opens the door with his elbow and closes it with his foot, the harsh sound of the door slamming and the lock closing makes the two flinch slightly.

"Jesus, someone's excited."
Taehyung giggles, eyes glisten and cheeks are tinted a slight pink. Jeongguk softly throws him onto the bed and crawls on top of him, his hands roam all around Taehyung's body before he unbuttons the male's shirt to touch his honey-gold skin.

"How could i not be with such a pretty boy as my boyfriend."
Jeongguk smiles softly and connects their lips in a loving kiss.
"Are you really sure? Don't you think it's too early? Like i don't mind but it's your first-"

Taehyung cups Jeongguk's cheeks and shuts him up with a sweet kiss.
"I'm sure, Gguk. Stop rambling."
Jeongguk nods and his cheeks turn slightly red. Taehyung's hands make their way towards Jeongguk's black button-up and his fingers start to dance around the fabric only for him to slide it off of the younger's shoulders. The younger connects gazes with his lover, noticing how embarrassed the male is starting to feel.

"If i'm going to fast, tell me. Guide me, Tae. I promise to be gentle with you."
Taehyung nods shyly and covers his face with his hands when Jeongguk starts fumbling with Taehyung's shirt.
"Don't hide, you're pretty, let me see you."
Jeongguk's voice is soft and careful, the younger didn't want him to think that this is not about him, because for Jeongguk it is.

Taehyung nods shyly and helps the younger with taking off his shirt fully. Jeongguk stares down at the pretty, tan skin and licks his lips. He kisses softly down Taehyung's chest and sucks some hickey onto the flesh. The male makes his way down and towards one of Taehyung's nipples, his eyes making their way up once in a while to see the older male's reactions. When he latches his lips onto the sensitive bud and hears a whimper leave Taehyung's lips, he knew that they'd be fine.

Jeongguk's hands softly caress Taehyung's thigh and side to calm his muscles down and relieve the tension in them.
"You're doing great, you look so good."
Jeongguk smiles at the male and kisses him once on the lips. Taehyung blushes a deep shade of red when the younger starts fumbling with Taehyung's belt.

Taehyung grabs Jeongguk's hands and bites his lip, almost drawing blood.

"Something wrong? Am i going to fast?"
Taehyung shakes his head, he liked the pace, he just didn't like to get exposed first.
"Y-you first."
Jeongguk nods and sits up on his knees, trapping Taehyung's body in between them.

"Go on then, pretty."
The younger strokes Taehyung's hair softly, encouraging him. Taehyung obeys with a little bit of doubt in his system but unbuckles the leather around Jeongguk's waist and pulls it through the loops only to make it fall onto the ground somewhere with their shirts. Taehyung slightly gulps when Jeongguk guides his hands towards the button and zipper of his jeans.
"You're doing fine, love."
His fingers shakily open the two and pulls the fabric down Jeongguk's hips, just enough go expose Jeongguk's plain black underwear.

The younger helps himself out of the tight jeans and hovers over the older again, kissing him on the forehead and praising him for being so sweet.
"Want to do it yourself?"
Taehyung shakes his head shyly and looks into Jeongguk's eyes.
"Okay then."
Jeongguk hooks his fingers around the belt again and starts unbuckling it, pulling it through the loops and unzipping the male's pants. The younger pats Taehyung's hips twice as indication for him to lift his hips slightly so he could pull the fabric off.

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