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Taehyung fixes the color of his black button up and heard the doorbell ring, running towards it but being too late, his grandma had already taken Neri into her arms. Jeongguk watches then with a big smile and his hands in his pockets. Blue jeans and white t-shirt compliment his body, his timberlands on his feet like always.

"Come in, Jeongguk."
Taehyung opens the door fully, shoo-ing his grandmother away from it with a giggly girl in her arms. The male steps forward and smiles, extending his hand to Taehyung, trying to be formal.
"Oh stop that!"
Taehyung slaps his hand softly and laughs at him, pulling him forward by his wrist and closing the door, making the male stumble again his chest. Their eyes connect and their noses almost touch, soft smiles are displayed on their faces and soft pink blushes are spreading on their cheeks.

The little girl runs towards the two of them, looking weirdly at them with her head cocked to the side.
"You kiss or wha'?"
Jeongguk chokes on his spit and releases the grip on Taehyung's waist, stepping back from the male.

Taehyung chuckles embarrassed, fixing his shirt and bolting out of the hallway towards the kitchen to cut up some strawberries for the girl and make a cup of coffee for the rest of them. He could hear Jeongguk and his grandma talk to each other, the little giggles of Neri interfering once in a while.

Taehyung hands her the strawberries with a fork, feeding her one before letting go of the bowl.
"Hey, where are my strawberries?"
Jeongguk pouts dramatically, eyes glistening and Taehyung could swear the male was really on the edge of crying. The elder giggles and tell him that he will get his own after calling him a big baby.

Taehyung cuts the strawberries the same size as he cut Neri's, smiling while doing so. He couldn't believe how Jeongguk and Neri changed his life and routines in just a few weeks.

"Here you go, you big baby."
Taehyung chuckles and hands him the fruit, noticing how he immediately dives in and smiles with his eyes.

Taehyung looks at the girl, seeing that she extends her arms to be picked up so the male obeys.
"Can we play?"
Taehyung nods and sits her down on the floor and sits down next to her himself. Jeongguk tosses him a bag he brought with him and points at it, indicating that there's toys in there.

The male unzips the bag and the tiger makes an appearance, he grabs it carefully and hands it to the girl.

"You and Taehyungie are pretty close, aren't you."
Jeongguk chokes on his strawberries when Taehyung's grandmother speaks to him.

"U-uhm, kind of. Not in a weird way or something."
The boy gulps and lowers his bowl, trying to avoid eye contact with the woman.

"Don't get panicked love, i like seeing you together."
Jeongguk blushes, confused about what she means with 'them together'. He clears his throat and boldly asks her what she exactly means.
"Well, you and Taehyungie would be a nice couple. I know that he told me that you're just friends, an old woman can dream, can't she?"

Jeongguk nods, gaze trails down to the floor. The fact that Taehyung had said that they were just friends made his heart hurt a little bit. Jeongguk knows that they're friends but he had silently hoped that there maybe was another option between the two. The male decides to shrug it off and nod at miss Kim. The woman notices the uncomfortableness in Jeongguk's posture, laying a hand on his shoulder.

"I hope you two will stay together for a long time, even as friends."

"I don't think that's something he'd want, miss Kim. I wouldn't want to raise someone else's kid either at his age."
Jeongguk fakes a chuckle and fidgets in his seat.

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