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The giggling of a little girl getting louder and louder makes Taehyung turn around and open his arms, expecting to see Jeongguk run after Neri, this time the roles were reversed. Neri is running after her dad, chasing him with her arms opened and a bright smile on her face. Taehyung smiles brighly when Jeongguk lifts him up, making the older male wrap his legs around Jeongguk's waist and kiss him softly on the lips.
"I've missed you so goddamn much, Tae."

Taehyung giggles against the male's lips and tells the younger that it's only been a week.
"Didn't you miss me then?"
A pout is formed onto Jeongguk's lips and his eyes turn droopy.

"You know that i did not mean that, you baby. I've missed you too."
Jeongguk smiles like a bunny, eye-smile prominent and hands tightly around Taehyung's waist when he lowers him to the ground. Jeongguk taps his lips, asking for a kiss, which Taehyung gladly obeys to.

Neri clings onto his leg and giggles loudly, grabby hands towards Taehyung indicate that she wants to be picked up by him.
"What you artsing?"
Taehyung laughs softly at her, he walks back to the easel and shows her the painting he half finished. She extends her little hand and pushes onto the canvas, a little handprint now visible in the corner of the painting.

Jeongguk was ready to scold her for ruining the painting but Taehyung stops him by pressing his right hand onto his face.

"That's even better, sweetie. Thank you so much!"
She giggles softly and 'ooh's, pointing at a bush with pretty leaves. Taehyung places her down and turns towards Jeongguk, hooking his fingers around the belt loops in his jeans and pulling him forward.
"Don't scold her for doing that, it gives us memories from when she was younger, memories of her being a little rascal and memories of her being artsy. Those memories can be really fun to look back at when she's older."

Jeongguk bites his lip and tucks a strand of hair behind Taehyung's ear, telling him that he won't scold her for ruining his art anymore, receiving a playful punch on the chest.
"So, are you excited for your birthday?"
Taehyung winks at the male and sits down on the bench, shoving his supplies to the side so Jeongguk can sit next to him.

"Oh yeah, so excited to turn old."
Jeongguk chuckles and connects gazes with Taehyung, receiving a glare from the male.
The younger furrows his eyebrows, watching how the older male crosses his arms and tilts his head to the side.

"I'm two years older than you are, Jeongguk. Are you calling me old?"
The younger giggles in an embarrassed manner and scratches the back of his neck. A stutter leaves his lips when he tries to talk things right about calling his boyfriend old.

"N-no, you're pretty. Not that you wouldn't be p-pretty when you're old, you would. B-but-"
Taehyung bursts into laughter, pulling the boy into a soft kiss. Jeongguk's eyes open widely, a confused look on his face.
"I don't get it."

"I was just joking, Gguk. You're so adorable."
Jeongguk blushes at the compliment and covers his face with his hands, whining in the other's neck. Taehyung chuckles into the younger's ear and kisses the shell, a smile plastered on his lips and a pink hue traveling over his cheeks.
"Iwant a picture, stay still and smile."
Taehyung stands up and whips his phone out of his pocket, making Jeongguk giggle.

"Princess, come here, take a picture with me."
Neri giggles and waddles towards her dad, climbing onto the bench and cuddling onto Jeongguk's lap.

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