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Taehyung hastily grabs his keys and unlocks the door, startling his grandma and Jimin in the process.
"What's up with you? Idiot."
His grandma giggles and continues playing cards.

The other two's eyes widen and they lay their cards flat on the table, not caring about exposing them to each other.

"What did he do? Do i need to kick his ass?"
Jimin balls his fists and rolls his sleeves up.

"Calm down, you look like an angry chinchilla."
Miss Kim rolls her eyes and sits down on a chair at the dining table, guesturing that the two boys need to sit down too so she can listen to the story.

"S-so, i couldn't find the damn ravioli and i asked a girl that works there if she knows where it was placed in the isle. She started hitting on me, i told her that i'm not interested and dang Jeongguk started interferring and he ducking kissed me!"
Taehyung waves with his hands while speaking, trying to get his point across by waving like a mad man. Jimin and his grandma look at him, not getting why it's a bad thing that a guy that Taehyung obviously likes kissed him.

"So.. what's your point?"
Jimin cocks his eyebrow and looks at the younger boy.

"My point is that he ducking kissed me! Me! An ordinary boy that lives with his dang grandma."
Taehyung stops his sentence and looks at his elder.
"No offence."

"None taken."
She shrugs and smiles, winking at the boy.
"So what was your response to him?"

"I-i walked away."
Jimin and Taehyung's grandma face palm themselfes and glare at Taehyung, yelling incoherent things at the boy's head about him being an insensitive idiot.
"I got scared okay! And suddenly i had this weird ass confidence and i got sassy."
The boy raises his voice, a more high pitched tone is heard and panic is seen in his eyes.

The dinging of Taehyung's phone indicates that a message came in and needs to be read.
"Oh no."
Taehyung facepalms when he picks up his phone, more panic spreading over his face.

"Just text him damnit!"
Taehyung's grandma snatches his phone out of his hands and types a message to the younger boy before hitting send and handing Taehyung his phone back.
"Get ready, you've got a date at two, you're welcome."
Jimin giggles and high-fives the older woman, showing respect with a big smile and crescent eyes.

Taehyung checks the message, seeing that it wasn't even Jeongguk who texted him, it was Neri who asked him to come over and have a play-date. Taehyung releases a breath he didn't know that he was holding, glaring at his grandma and Jimin for scaring him like that.

"Why are you so stressed? You two kissed and had a date already, you dimwit."
Jimin shrugs his shoulders and takes a sip of ice tea that he got from the refrigerator not long before speaking up. 

"It's just all of those insecurities, i love Jeongguk as a friend and i don't want to ruin that by breaking up in a few years. And Neri is just so precious, what if she doesn't want me as a second dad? I'm not even sure if i'm ready to be a parent."
The male sighs and leans his head in his hands, completely lost.

"Tae, you sound like you two are getting married, cut the shit and just go to his house and talk about where you two stand right now."
Jimin rolls his eyes and flicks Taehyung's forehead, getting annoyed by the younger boy's behavior.

Taehyung nods, knowing that his best friend is right and that he should face this little insecurity.
"Okay, i'll head over today."

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