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A smile creeps onto Taehyung's face when he opens the door to the elderly home his grandma moved into, a cheery voice greets him from behind the reception counter and wishes him a good day. The male nods his head and undoes his scarf, throwing it onto his shoulder and unbuttoning his coat. His eyes scan the hallways for his dear grandma's room and smiles even brighter when he finds it.
"Grandma? Can i come in?"
Her soft voice is heard from the other side of the room, the lock turning and the door opening indicating that she's as excited as he is.

"It's been long, grandma. I'm sorry, Jeongguk and i have been really busy and i got some great news for you!"
She nods and smiles at the boy.
"He asked me to move in with him and Neri, i'm so relieved that this is going the right way."

"Don't you think it's a little early? You have been together for like a month."
The older woman cocks her head to the side and looks at her grandson with a confused expression.
"Grandma, it's been eight months that we've been together now."

"Oh, is that so? Time flies when you're getting old, dear. Be careful with that little boyfriend of yours, okay?"
Taehyung nods and continues telling her about the things that occurred past two weeks he hadn't seen her, even telling her a few stories he'd already told her a few times before but he didn't mind. Spending time with the woman he loves and that appreciates him makes him feel all warm and fuzzy in his stomach. Taehyung knows it won't be long before his grandma will get even older and before he knows she won't be here with him anymore. He doesn't mind spending all this time explaining a story he already told her three times past hour, the male is glad that he can still spend time with her in general.

"Hey, beautiful. I need to go for now, i'll be back next week and hopefully Jeongguk will join me then."
She nods and kisses him on the cheek, her hand waves goodbye and her smile is displayed when her grandson walks out of her room.

"I love you, beautiful."
She nods and watches the door close. The male fishes his phone out of his pocket and waves goodbye to the woman behind the counter and signs for her to call him when something happens.

"Hey, Gguk. I'm on my way to the store right now and will be home in like an hour."
He steps into the car and closes the door, buckling his seatbelt and starting the motor before looking behind him and putting the car in reverse with the phone clutched between his shoulder and ear.
"Okay, bye. I love you."
A fond smile makes it's way onto the male's lips when Jeongguk ends the call, driving away from the property in content.

Taehyung fingers tap onto the steering wheel while he waits for a red light, his mind occupied with his plans for when he arrives home. He only needs to buy some chocolate, popcorn and order sushi, their night can't be ruined by anything such as their little girl interrupting their chill evening or his best friend calling him out of no where since Neri is spending the night with Jimin and Yoongi.

Problems solved.

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