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"I know grandma, i'll get the right ravioli this time, don't worry."
Taehyung snickers and kisses his phone to tell his grandma goodbye. His eyes dart up and he smiles, the male pushes the cart forwards and towards the pasta isle to get his grandma the ravioli she likes.

Taehyung took the 'wrong' ravioli with him last week and his grandma trew a whole fit over a bag of ravioli. This time he'll make sure to not mess up and get his beloved grandma her damn ravioli.

Taehyung sucks on his lip and scans the isle for the all mighty pasta type. His eyes dart around and land on a girl from around seventeen.
"Excuse me, can i ask you something?"
The girl turns around, obnoxiously chewing her gum and scanning Taehyung's body.

"You're cute, what's your number."
She smirks and bites her lip, a disgusting look could be read off of Taehyung's face.

"U-uhm, i'm sorry but i am kinda too old for you and not interested in girls."
The girl steps forwards and trails her finger from Taehyung's jaw, down his neck and towards the buttons of his shirt. Taehyung harshly grabs her hand, not meaning to hurt her in the process. The girl winces and inhales a sharp breath, still not agreeing with the fact that Taehyung is not interested in her. The moment she tried to speak up, arms snake around Taehyung's waist and a chin rests on his shoulder.

"Hey baby, i got the ravioli you were looking for."
A husky voice is speaking in his ear, giving the male's identity away towards Taehyung. His stomach makes a little flip and the butterflies go crazy, a dark crimson blush takes place on his cheeks and his whole body heats up.
"Who's this?"
Taehyung turns around in the male's hold and smiles softly at him.

"Just someone who works here, i wanted to ask her if they still had the ravioli, thanks."
Taehyung looks over his shoulder and connects eyes with the girl, noticing that she doesn't believe anything if what the two were saying, not noticing that he wasn't the only one.
"Good, you're all mine baby."
He trails his nose up Taehyung's neck and places soft kisses against the skin, hands travelling lower towards the male's hips and lips connecting to Taehyung's, catching him completely off guard.

Taehyung stiffens at first, gripping onto the other's leather jacket but relaxing after a few seconds and melting into the kiss, their lips move against each other in a soft but lustful way. A scoff and footsteps are getting fainter, alarming the two that the girl left them alone. Taehyung pulls back from the kiss, eyes still closed and the taste of the other's lips lingering on his own.
"J-Jeongguk, what was that about?"
Taehyung notices the faint blush on the younger's cheeks and giggles at the sight.

Jeongguk clears his throat in a slight panicked way.
"I saw how she touched you a-and i noticed that you didn't like it s-so.."
Taehyung giggles again and places his right hand against the younger's cheek, feeling how the male leans in towards his palm.

"Thank you. Still not the ravioli i needed though."
Jeongguk chuckles and rolls his eyes, tickling Taehyung's side for a mere second.

"You're welcome, Tae."
The older male smiles softly and grabs Jeongguk's neckline, pulling him towards his chest and kissing his cheek softly. The male releases and presses the bag of ravioli against Jeongguk's chest, sassily walking away with a sway of his hips and a shy smile and wink towards the younger.

Jeongguk smiles like a kid and touches his lips, an even brighter smile taking place and a childish giggle erupting from them.

Well damn..

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