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Taehyung snatches the keys from Jeongguk's hands and runs away with a big smile on his face, the walk home wasn't that far so they decided to bully each other a bit. Taehyung runs towards the house, a coughing Jeongguk running after him to snatch his keys back.
"I hate you, Tae!"
Jeongguk giggles softly and sees Taehyung stop in his tracks, the male's bangs cover his face and a soft smile i spread upon his lips.

"No you don't, stop lying."
Taehyung giggles and fidgets with his necklace, slightly cold fingers playing with the chain and charm.
"Let's go inside, you'll get even more sick if we stay here."
Jeongguk nods and follows the male to the front door, watching him unlock the metal and step inside.

Jeongguk smiles at the older boy when he notices that Taehyung is holding the door open for him so he can carefully get into his own home and get rid of his shoes and coat.

"Lay down on the couch, i'll be there soon."
A stern look on Taehyung's face makes the younger obey, not wanting to get in trouble when Taehyung is this serious about something.

"Okay, mom."
Jeongguk playfully rolls his eyes and lays down on the couch, blanket pulled over his body and head resting on the arm rest. The male can hear the stairs creaking, not long after Taehyung is standing in the middle of the room with another blanket and a few pillows from Jeongguk's bed.

The male props the pillow under Jeongguk's head and pulls the second blanket over his feet.
"If you need anything else or want other clothes, let me know. I'll get it for you, no leaving the couch except if you need to pee, i am not helping you with that."
The boys chuckle and Taehyung sits down next to Jeongguk's torso, placing the back of his hand flat against Jeongguk's forehead.
"You're burning up, Gguk."
Taehyung sighs and stands up, and heads to the kitchen to roam through the cabinets for some asprin or even paracetamol.

"Right one.."
Jeongguk whines and giggles, waiting for the male to come back and give him attention again. Jeongguk liked it when the older male gave him attention and took care of him, to say at least. Call him a baby or needy, but he just liked the older's affection.

Jeongguk's eyes dart towards the kitchen door, seeing it open slightly and a bright smile takes place in his lips.
"Why are you so happy about needing to take medicine?"
Taehyung giggles sweetly and hands him the pills and a glass of water.
"Here, drink this all up."
The elder glances at the glass and pats Jeongguk's head.

"Thank you."
The younger male carefully sits up and sips the water, propping the pills into his mouth and swallowing it with the rest of the liquid. The male cringes at the after-taste and glares at Taehyung.
"What the frick was that?"

The elder chuckles and winks at the dark haired male, ruffling his hand through his wavy locks and shaking his own head.
"Nothing you should worry about, now try and get some sleep, i'll wake you when the soup's ready."

Jeongguk agrees after some minutes of disagreeing and telling the older male that he's not Neri whom needs to be pampered. The blonde ruffles his hair and chuckles to himself, his back rests against the kitchen door and a big smile is plastered on his face.

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