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"Here you go."
Jeongguk hands Taehyung his home-made iced coffee and winks at him, making the older male blush slightly.

"So, you two are a thing or..?"
Taehyung slightly chokes on his coffee, a bit of whipped cream covering the tip of his nose. Jeongguk giggles at the sight and wipes it off with his thumb, clearing it by sticking his thumb between his lips.
The males glare at Yoongi who sticks his hands into the air as an 'i surrender'. The oldest male suddenly gasps and sits forwards into his chair.
"Does your grandma know that you were in his bed?"

Taehyung's eyes widen, making Jeongguk silently giggle. Taehyung glares daggers at the younger male and raises his eyebrows, making him shut up and covers his smile with his hands.
"No, she does not. She hopes though, but that's not the point!"
Taehyung hysterically waves his hands around, stress clearly being read off of him. Jeongguk notices that the male feels uncomfortable and pulls him into a hug, the male's head propped into the crook of his neck.
"Please don't tell Jimin."
Taehyung's voice is muffled by Jeongguk's shirt, a giggle escaping both Jeongguk's and Yoongi's lips. The younger kisses the top of Taehyung's head softly and trails his fingers through the other's hair.

"I won't, don't worry."
Yoongi chuckles and places his phone down on the table, winking at Jeongguk.
"So.. fetus got him a boyfriend."
Both Jeongguk and Taehyung whine, getting embarrassed by their friend.
"How did you two even meet, Taehyung is the last person I expected to be in your bed."

"Like four or five months ago.."
Jeongguk looks at Taehyung, receiving a slap against his head from him.

"We met first day of spring so like half a year ago."
Jeongguk glares at the male, he wasn't that far off of the date, the slap against his head wasn't necessary.
"That wasn't for the date, that was for not locking the door."
Jeongguk nods his head, now agreeing with his stupidity.

"Even if it was locked i could've just used my key.."
Yoongi grabs his keys from his pocket and holds it into the air, dangling it on his middle finger.

"Really? He's got a key and i do not?"
Jeongguk flushes a bright red, his body sinks into the pillows of the couch and he retracts his arm from around Taehyung's shoulders. Taehyung scoffs jokingly and brushes it off, his gaze falling onto Yoongi.
"Why are you even here?"

"I was bored, needed some entertainment. Definitely got that."
The male bursts into laughter and takes a sip of his coffee after. The look on Taehyung's face isn't that amusing though, the male really interrupted them only because he was bored?"

"Listen here you-"
Taehyung stands up from his seat but gets yanked back by his waist and onto Jeongguk's lap, head resting in his neck and lips connected to the soft skin.

"Not worth it."
Jeongguk softly whispers against his ear and kisses the shell, smiling against the elder's skin. Taehyung pouts and gives Yoongi the finger which Jeongguk also catches and takes into his hand.
"Be nice, Tae."

The pout on Taehyung's lips grows bigger, the smile on Jeongguk's lips too.
"Okay, gross. I'm leaving."
Yoongi stands up and gulps his coffee down only to grab his stuff and leaving the house immediately with a yell of 'bye'.

Jeongguk motions for Taehyung to turn around, which he does. The older male is now facing Jeongguk with his arms around his neck.
"How do you even know Yoongi?"

"Jimin's dating him."
Taehyung rolls his eyes and cocks his eyebrow.
"How do you even know Yoongi?"
Jeongguk's eyes widen and a stutter leaves his lips. Taehyung tilts his head like a lost puppy and motions with his hand.
"Yes, continue?"

"We met at a stripclub and we were drunk."
Taehyung bursts into laughter and hits Jeongguk's chest softly.

"Where the fuck was Neri?"
Jeongguk giggles and shows his eye-smile.

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