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"Okay, princess, be nice and respectful like how mommy and i taught you to be."
Jeongguk crouches down in front of her before opening the door to Taehyung's house with the key he got for emergencies. He knows that paying a visit to his grandma is not really an emergency but Taehyung is at work and his grandma is spending the last days in this house without her knowing. The younger thought she'd like the presence of someone around her.

The male inserts the key into the lock and turns it softly, handing the bag with snacks he got for miss Kim to Neri.
"Give this to granny Kim okay?"
She nods sweetly and bounces excitedly on the balls of her feet.
"Good girl, i love you."
He opens the door and peeks his head inside, stepping forward and calling her once, twice. No response.

"Stay here, princess."
Neri nods and looks around to see if she can find something to amuse herself with. The little girl waddles over to a pair of shoes which are placed neatly in the corner near the door, recognizing them as Taehyung's.

"Miss Kim?"
Jeongguk walks through the hallway and towards the living room, noticing the elderly woman laying on the couch, a pillow neatly propped underneath her head and feet resting on the arm rest.
"Miss Kim, are you okay?"
The woman suddenly sighs deeply, she sits up, scaring Jeongguk half to death.

"Can't an old woman take a nap in her grandson's house?"
Jeongguk steadies his breathing and places a hand on his chest.

"I'm so sorry, i did not mean to wake you but.. you know.."
The boy softly sits down next to her and gestures with his hands to get his point across.

"Because i'm old you thought i died?"
The male's cheeks tint a bright red, this sentence being exactly what went through his mind and the scenario that he needed to tell Taehyung about it. The male's eyes widen and he shifts uncomfortably in his seat, making the elderly woman grin and burst into laughter.

"Jeon Jeongguk, you're adorable."
She tucks a strand of hair behind his ear and notices Neri playing with Taehyung's shoe when the little girl walks into the room. A soft smile tugs on the older woman's lips, pulling the corners into a warm grin. She extends her hands and takes the girl into her embrace, propping her on the knee and placing a hand on Neri's lower back.

"Granny Kim, can i has choccy milk?"
Jeongguk pushes his finger into her side and sends her a scowling glare, the male doesn't appreciate it when she asks for things like that, especially not if they just have arrived a few minutes ago.

"Of course you can, sweetie. Don't look at her like that, dad. The girl wants her chocolate milk so the girl will have her chocolate milk."
She pauses and motions her hand towards the kitchen.
"Be a dear and fetch the princess her milk."
She winks at the male and tickles Neri's sides. Jeongguk rolls his eyes playfully and slaps his hand onto his thighs, cocking his head to the side once and he smiles before standing up and making his way to the kitchen.

A few mumbles under his breath and little exchanged giggles between the older woman and his daughter take place in the house, the thoughts that clouded Jeongguk's mind just a few minutes before long gone and replaced by happy memories and the feeling of being glad that he did visit the woman.

People always say that time goes by quickly if you're having fun, which was exactly the case at this point. Before Jeongguk knew and could process it, the lock of the front door clicks and shows his boyfriend stepping into the house, cursing under his breath about a woman at the grocery store stealing his favorite gummy's away right in front of his nose and how he did not appreciate it.

The younger male chuckles and stands up, silently wrapping his arms around his waist and pecking the nape of his neck.
"Welcome home, baby."
Taehyung hums in content and turns around in Jeongguk's embrace.

"I can get used to coming home to you."
Taehyung smiles sweetly and wraps his arms around Jeongguk's neck, slowly leaning in to kiss him on the lips. Jeongguk's hands caress the older male's waist, squeezing the skin softly once in a while.

"We're still here."
Taehyung's grandma yells across the room, making the youngest girl giggle loudly.

"Hello, grandma, princess."
Taehyung kisses both of their foreheads and places his bags down. The elderly woman looks at her grandson and cocks her eyebrows.

"So, when you go to the store, can you buy me some ravioli?"
Taehyung bites his lower lip and a tear pricks in his eye.

"Yes, grandma, i will."
Jeongguk sucks his bottom lip between his teeth and squeezes Taehyung's hand while helping him unload the bags filled with groceries, looking at the ravioli in his hand.

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