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"I don't know, Gguk.."
Jeongguk takes the older male's hand in his own and rubs the back of it with his thumb. Jeongguk unbuckles his seat belt and turns to the other to cup his left cheek and smile softly at him.

"It's better like this, for you, for us and for her. For her especially since she can have the care she needs from the people that are licensed. You do not have a license, baby."
Taehyung nods and small tears escapes the corner of his eye.

"I know, it's just hard to.. abandon her like this. It feels like i'm giving up on her and that's everything but the truth, i love her so much, Gguk."
Jeongguk nods, knowing how much the older cares about his grandmother and how much he hates to leave her behind like this. The younger rubs the palm of his hand over Taehyung's thigh and takes a deep breath, releasing it with a sigh. Jeongguk sits up and retracts his hand only to guide it to the door and step out if the vehicle, jogging over to Taehyung's side and open the door for him.

"Come on, let's get her a cozy little home."
Taehyung nods and wipes a falling tear away from the corner of his eye. A soft kiss is pressed against the skin underneath it and a blush spreads over his cheeks because of it. The younger male takes Taehyung's hand in his own and leads him to the glass doors, holding them in the process so the other male could walk in carelessly.

The pair is met with a small front office, a lady sitting behind a desk and glasses resting on her nose. A name tag is pinned onto her shirt, just above her breast pocket.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen. Can i help you?"
She leans forwards and displays a warm smile which Taehyung couldn't ignore and not smile back.

"Yes, please. My boyfriend called for a room so his demented grandma could move into here."
Jeongguk smiles sweetly and points at Taehyung, knowing that talking about this is really hard for the elder. The woman nods, understanding what the male is talking about and she starts typing and searching in the computer.

"Kim, right?"
Taehyung nods and steps forward.
"Please fill in these forms and then i'll show you the room your grandma is assigned.
The male nods again and starts writing their contact numbers and her private information down with a shaky hand.

"You're doing well, i'm proud of you."
Jeongguk softly whispers into Taehyung's ear and presses a kiss to the shell, making the male smile softly and calm down a little bit. When Taehyung finishes the form, he hands it back to the woman and nods at her when she asks him if he's all done.

"Okay then. Follow me, sweetheart."
Taehyung follows the woman and grasps Jeongguk's hand, not wanting to leave him standing there and go on his own. Jeongguk winks reassuringly at the male and squeezes his hand softly, letting him know that he won't leave his side.

Both of them hop after the lady through long hallways and cozy living rooms designed for the elderly staying there so they would be the most comfortable they could be.

"And then this will be your grandma's room, take a look inside and let me know what you think."
Taehyung nods and watches the nice lady leave them alone to inspect everything. The eldest male shakily reaches his hand out to the doorknob, which is caught in Jeongguk's palms to open the door with him.

The youngest peeks inside first, admiring the soft beige walls and white-ish grey tiles.
"It's pretty."

"You're pretty."
Taehyung pecks Jeongguk's cheek and giggles softly before stepping in himself. Taehyung's eyes widen, a tear threatens to fall down his cheek which doesn't go unnoticed by Jeongguk

"Hey, is something wrong? We may change things and-"

"N-no, it's perfect. It reminds me of their home before grandpa passed away."
Jeongguk hugs the male tightly against his chest and kisses his head, fingers tangle between his locks and heartbeat increases.

"Okay then. We'll do it, baby."

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