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Taehyung mixes the can of color, pouring a bit onto a platform and rolling his brush through it, music is blasting through the house and the male can't stop screaming along to the songs. Neri is with her mom and Jeongguk wanted to re-paint her room, turning the pastel yellow walls a pretty purple color with one wall pink. The furniture will be fixed and re-painted too, turning white to a light grey and the floor needs to be scrubbed free from ink, paint and other art supplies.

Jeongguk smiles widely and dances around, two glasses of red wine in his hands, handing one to Taehyung before turning the music down. Loud giggles erupt from the two's lips, wide smiles towards each other light up the room and makes each other happy.

Taehyung wipes his right hand on his pants and kisses Jeongguk on the cheek, thanking him for the wine.
"So, why purple?"
The male sips from his glass and looks at the younger.

"Exactly why you said that she needed to choose purple, purple is the last color of the rainbow, it means i will trust and love u for a long time."
Taehyung smiles widely, appreciating that Jeongguk remembers exactly what he said the week before.

"So you do listen to me, Jeon. Didn't expect that."
The older male winks at him and takes another sip of wine, sitting down on Neri's bed and leaning backwards against the headboard to rest a little bit. The two have been painting and dancing for hours already and Taehyung desperately needed a break. Jeongguk smiles softly at the other's remark, his head falling down and his dark hair covering his face partly.

"Of course i listen to you."
Jeongguk sighs and sits down by Taehyung's feet, smirking at the boy who lets a soft 'what?' slip. Jeongguk bends forward and opens Taehyung's legs carefully, climbing in between them and kisses the male on the forehead once. He bends down and lays his head on Taehyung's stomach with his arms snaked around his waist and cheek pressed against the fabric of the older's shirt. The older make chuckles softly and starts playing with Jeongguk's hair.

"I'm so glad Neri already has a 'big girl bed', otherwise this never would've fit."
Jeongguk chuckles and props his chin in Taehyung's stomach so he can look at the male, bunny smile prominent and eye smile creeping into sight. Taehyung smiles softly down at him, twirling a curl around his pointer finger and getting distracted into Jeongguk's eyes.

The male hums in response, the corners of his lips tugging into a smile softly.
"Y-you know the kiss from two weeks ago?"
Taehyung nods, getting confused about what the younger is going to say.
"W-well.. i wouldn't mind s-sharing more with.. you."
Taehyung smiles brightly, a laugh leaving his lips.

"Are you trying to ask if i want to be with you?"
A blush creeps onto Jeongguk's cheeks, the heat under his skin spreads towards his ears and his fingers start to tremble.

"W-well.. i-i.. you don't have to, you know.."
The younger sits up and criss-crosses his legs, picking at the hem of his shirt for a little distraction. Taehyung enjoys it when the younger is being adorable like this, sometimes they both forget that he only turned 20 in September. Taehyung sits down on his knees, bending forwards and slightly crawls towards the younger to prop himself up on Jeongguk's lap.

"Of course i want to be yours."
Taehyung cups his cheeks to make him look into his eyes, a bright smile taking place on the younger male's pouty lips. A soft pink hue on his cheeks makes him look adorable and his red-bitten and slightly wet lips look so tasty to Taehyung.

The older trails his right hand towards the back of Jeongguk's head, his other resting on the male's cheek. His feet are locked behind Jeongguk's back and his body is seated on his thighs. The older carefully leans in and kisses the latter softly but needy. Jeongguk tenses up a bit but responds to the elder's lips by brushing his own softly against them, a smile creeping onto them. The younger male harshly but carefully pulls the other against his chest by his waist, a gasp escapes from Taehyung's throat when doing so, an opportunity for Jeongguk to slide his tongue between the elder's lips.

Taehyung hums softly, trying to fight for the dominance over the kiss but losing from the younger. The male softly tugs at Jeongguk's hair, making it stick messily into directions it shouldn't stick out to. Jeongguk groans and lifts the male up, hands propped underneath his thighs to keep him stable in his grip. He opens the door to the hallway and closes it with his foot, not breaking the kiss. One hand reaches out to turn the doorknob of his own bedroom and he throws Taehyung carefully but forcefully onto the bed.

Jeongguk again climbs in between Taehyung's legs, arms caging the male underneath him and lips attacking his neck. Taehyung takes a sharp breath and throws his head back to give the younger more access, he locks his legs on Jeongguk's back and grabs the back of his neck in order to keep the male's lips against his body.

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