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"Be good for mommy, princess."
Neri nods her head excitedly and runs out of the door, her mom waiting at the other side of the car. Jeongguk waves at her with his left hand and blows her a kiss, holding Taehyung's hand with his other behind his back. The male closes the door when the car is out of sight, turning around and immediately connects his lips to Taehyung's.

The older male giggles and wraps his arms around Jeongguk's neck, brushing his lips softly against the younger's. Jeongguk's hands glide down Taehyung's sides, towards his hips and digs his fingertips into the flesh. The younger steps forward, guiding the other towards the wall and pinning him against it.

Taehyung pulls back, heavy breathing takes place and softly brushes over Jeongguk's neck. The younger softly takes Taehyung's chin between his fingers and lifts his head slightly and to the side, attacking his neck with soft kisses and bites.
"I know that it's too early."
Jeongguk whispers against Taehyung's ear, hot breath fanning against his skin.
"But sometimes it's so hard to resist you."

Jeongguk presses himself against the older male, hard chest colliding with Taehyung's softer body. Taehyung giggles and pulls teasingly on Jeongguk's hair, lips brushing over the younger's and making heat pile in their bodies.

"Try harder, baby."
Taehyung pushes the male back, making him stumble for a slight second. Taehyung eyes the male up and down, smirking at the sight.

The younger's shirt is slightly unbuttoned, showing his chest and collarbones slightly. His black jeans are hugging his thighs perfectly and   his dark, curly locks are misplaced. His lips are swollen and red, eyes hooded and filled with lust. Jeongguk looks gorgeous and Taehyung could devour him right this moment but the younger was right. They have been together for a few weeks only, they're way too new to this and it could ruin everything they have.

Taehyung playfully winks at the younger and opens the door to the living room, deciding that he should cut the cake for them to enjoy it. A chuckle leaves Jeongguk's lips, when the older turns around to see what Jeongguk thinks is so funny, he notices that he's poking his tongue into his cheek and eyes the male like he's some sort of prey.

Taehyung glares at the male and yelps when Jeongguk runs towards him and lifts him up by his thighs. Taehyung immediately wraps his legs around his waist and smiles, receiving a bright smile from the younger.

"I would never disrespect your choices, Tae. I agree."
Jeongguk looks up into Taehyung's eyes and pouts his lips for a kiss.
The older male cocks his head softly to the side and nods, connecting their lips in a cute little kiss.

Jeongguk places the boy down and pushes him back against the wall, darting out of the room to get a piece of cake from the kitchen.
"Hey! That's my job, don't you dare and eat the icing!"
Loud giggles and a hum indicate that Taehyung was too late with warning him and he already swiped his finger through the icing. A high pitched giggle sounds through the kitchen when Taehyung steps in.

A playful sighs leaves the older's lips, smile on his face and pink on his cheeks.
"Sometimes i wonder if Neri legit is your daughter since she's more mature than you are."

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