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Taehyung opens the door to his house, getting greeted by his grandmother and Jimin playing a card game. His face pale and throat dry.
"Damn, you look bad."
Jimin giggles and places his cards down, warning grandma to not look at his cards because he'll ruin her recent knitting job.

"J-Jeongguk asked me out."
Jimin squeals and jumps into Taehyung's arms, knowing that it's probably weird for him but still being happy that his best friend is going on his first ever date.

"That's amazing Taehyung! I'll help you get dressed, when is it, where are you going and-"

"I don't know if i can, Jimin."
Taehyung chews on his lip, palms sweaty and mind occupied.

"What do you mean 'if you can', you fucking can and you're diddly dang doing it Kim."
Jimin pokes the male's chest, practically scolding him for thinking that Jimin will agree with his best friend not going out on a date with a handsome man.

"I think you should do it dear, it's good for you."
Taehyung's grandma stands up and places her hand on his shoulder, patting it softly.
"Listen to this weirdo here and go on that date."
Taehyung nods, looking into her eyes.

"I'm just scared, we're so close and i really like him as a friend. I do not want to ruin the relationship we already have by upgrading it. What if Neri doesn't want me in her life like that?"
Taehyung sighs and looks at his feet, hands stuffed into his pockets and frown on his face. The little girl has all the right to hate the person trying to 'replace' her mommy. She won't understand that Taehyung wouldn't only be her dad's friend, but her dad's lover.

Taehyung tells the two that he'll be going for a walk and that they don't have to wait for him at dinner, he'll manage to eat somewhere. Taehyung is sure that he needs to clear his mind and that he needs to think about what happened today.

The male walks past his coat, since it's not cold outside and there's practically no wind, he doesn't need it. He grabs his keys from the hook and steps out of the door, closing it behind him and making his way to the street.

His hands are stuffed into his pockets and his eyes are focussed on the sidewalk. The birds didn't seem to be singing their songs and the roads were peculiarly quiet. No dogs or old couples walking down sidewalks, no children playing on the playground and no zooming cars passing him. The male takes a deep breath, inhaling the scent of freshly mowed grass and cherry blossom trees. He walks into a newly opened diner, deciding to check it out.

The bell above the door rings, indicating that someone stepped into the diner. Pastel pink walls and white tiles greet Taehyung into the small building, a male with dimples standing behind the register.

The male looks up, connecting his eyes with an old friend from high school.
"Damn haven't seen you in a long time, you look great!"

Taehyung chuckles and greets the male, extending his hand to shake his hand.
"Don't be so formal, come here."
The male jumps over the desk and pulls Taehyung into a hug.

"Since when are you back from Ilsan?"
Taehyung smiles and sits down at a booth with the male.

"Since a few months, my boyfriend and i moved here so we could open this. He's always had the dream to open a restaurant."
Namjoon smiles, showing his dimples and taking a sip from a bottle of water that he had behind the counter.

"C-can i ask for your help?"
Taehyung fidgets with his fingers.

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