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Taehyung is sitting on a plaid, laid down onto the grass. His legs are criss-crossed and his upperbody is taking it's balance from his hands planted on the fabric of the blue and white plaid. His white dress-shirt is swaying in the wind and his light hair is pushed back by a bandana. The boy listens to the birds, making a stroke of paint on a canvas once in a while. The exact tree he tried to paint is now giving him some shadow from the blossom leaves while the sun peeks slightly through the branches.

"Would you likes a pie?"
A familiar voice makes him open one eye and smile, Neri is standing in front of him with a grass-pie in her hands.

"Sure sweetie."
Taehyung picks her up to place the girl onto his thigh, noticing the dress she's wearing; pink with white and lace on the edges.
"What a pretty dress are you wearing, did daddy choose this for you?"
Neri nods and starts blabbering about what she did that day and that she hoped that the male liked her pie.

"Speaking about daddy, did you run off again?"
The girl gives him an innocent smile, two dimples taking place in her cheeks and eyes disappear behind her long eyelashes.
"That's what I thought."

Taehyung takes his phone out of his bag and dials Jeongguk's number, before he could actually call him, the male came running towards the plaid they were seated on, calling her name.

He picks her up and crouches down, grabbing her shoulders softly but sternly.
"Neri, what if someone else besides this young man had found you? Do you want daddy to lose you?"
Neri's head is hung low and a little tear is prickling at the brim of her eyes.

"N-no daddy, am sorry."
Jeongguk hugs her against her chest and inhales her scent, not knowing what he would do if he ever truly lost the girl.

"Thanks, Taehyung. I owe you one, again."
Jeongguk smiles brightly and points at the fabric the two were seated on, asking if he can sit down with her. The male nods and pats the space next to him, carefully replacing the canvas he was working on in case it didn't dry enough yet.

"How have you been? I'm sorry for not calling after you visited me two weeks ago, i got caught up in work."
Jeongguk looks into the male's eyes and scratches the back of his neck, a little scoff finding it's way from between his lips.

"It's fine, really. People have their own lifestyles and i alway appreciate it when they won't go out of the way for it just because someone else would want it."
Taehyung smiles sweetly, only now noticing how much Jeongguk's skin glows in the light of the sun. His skin is slightly tan and his hair is glowing a brown hue in the sun, a black button up covers his upperbody but the last two buttons are undone, showing his collarbones and a slight piece of his chest.
Jeongguk looked stunning.

"You look good today."
Taehyung cocks his head to the side and hums.
"N-not that you don't look good other days."

Jeongguk chuckles and thanks him, telling him that he knows that the male didn't mean it like that.
"You don't look bad yourself."
Jeongguk winks at him, finding Neri wandering off in the corner of his eye again, chasing a purple butterfly.

"Neri, princess. Please stay with daddy."
Neri turns around and waddles over to her father with a big grin on her face, cute little teeth exposed and eyes turning into crescents. She opens her arms and climbs on top of Taehyung's lap, taking the seat on his thigh again.

"I likes Tata more."
She yawns slightly and lays her head on his chest, her breath fans against Taehyung's neck while she slowly falls asleep.

"I'm sorry, i can take her if you want."
Jeongguk extends his arms, a no emits from Taehyung's lips.

"It's fine, i like her and it's not like i mind her sleeping on me."
He smiles and softly trails one of his hands through her hair, being careful not to wake her.
"Isn't it hard to take care of her while being this young? You're practically a baby yourself."

Jeongguk chuckles and shakes his head, hair slightly falling into his face.
"Hey, i'm a twenty year old male, I'm not a baby. Besides, she's not that hard to take care of. She obeys most of the time and takes care of other people, wanting to help with chores and the cooking every day."

"Let's make a deal, i cook for you two tonight and then you don't have to owe me one."
Jeongguk chuckles again, his head thrown back and his curls framing his face. The glow in his cheeks coming out when the light from between the branches shine into them.

"That's such a bad deal. But okay, only because she likes to be around you, and maybe i do too."

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