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Jeongguk quickly fixes his shirt and helps Taehyung sit up properly, gesturing towards the door connecting the hallway and living room, mouthing a 'Neri's home'. Taehyung glares at the younger, getting why Jeongguk pushes him off but he loved it so much to feel so close to the younger male.
The little girl runs into the living room and pounces onto Jeongguk's lap, hugging him tightly as if she hasn't seen him for weeks.

"Hey princess."
Jeongguk smiles at her and kisses her cheeks, making her giggle softly and mutter some 'stops' and 'no daddy's.

She finally realises that Taehyung is seated next to them and she climbs into his lap, latching her arms around his neck and cuddling him tightly, almost cutting off his breathing.

Taehyung smiles sweetly at her and tucks her hair behind her ear, pointing at the toys on the ground so she would go play and leave the two males alone for just a second so they could talk, luckily she obeys and plays sweetly with the toys scattered on the ground.

"You owe me something, Jeongguk."
Taehyung winks at the boy and grabs his hand, caressing it softly with his thumb and a smile on his lips.

"Yea, i know. I owe you again."
Jeongguk chuckles and thinks about the first time they met, they met through owing him something for ruining the painting he spend time on. The boy hopes that some day he doesn't owe Taehyung anything at all.
"I'm sorry."
He shyly smiles and apologetically looks at Taehyung, playing with the male's fingers and wrapping his left arm around his waist, pulling the boy towards his body.

Taehyung giggles and sends a look towards Neri, quietly telling Jeongguk that his daughter is seated right in front of them and can see them.
"Let her see, she doesn't care."
Jeongguk whispers softly into Taehyung's ear, lips brushing against the shell, sending shivers down his spine. The younger kisses Taehyung's neck softly and smiles against the skin, loving how he makes Taehyung feel by just brushing his lips against his smooth flesh.

Taehyung on the other hand melts into the feeling of Jeongguk's skin against his own, mind clouded with thoughts about the younger and eyes closed to take the feeling in.

The two males get startled by Neri's tiny voice, two big doe-eyes staring at them. Her head is sightly cocked to the side and a confused expression is read off of her face. The two males immediately detach themselves off of each other and clear their throats. Taehyung props his feet onto the couch, soles resting against the side of Jeongguk's thigh and head propped onto his arm which is resting on the armrest.

"Y-yes princess?"
Jeongguk leans forward, a blush spread on his cheeks and the hopes that Neri didn't see his lips attached to Taehyung's neck clouding his thoughts.

"Which do you likes more?"
She hold two colored pencils up in the air, wanting her dad to choose between pink and purple.

"The purple one, purple is the last color of the rainbow, it means i will trust and love u for a long time."
Taehyung speaks up, connecting gazes with Jeongguk after finishing his statement.
"What? My grandpa taught me that."
Taehyung shrugs and looks back at Neri.

She places the pink pencil down and continues her artwork, not understanding what Taehyung just said.

"But... she asked me."
Jeongguk pouts and looks at the elder, not agreeing with him about speaking up.
"I-i'm her daddy."
Taehyung chuckles and pulls Jeongguk's head against his chest, caressing his dark locks and kissing the top of his head.

"You're a baby yourself, Gguk. Look at you sulking about not being able to answer a question because i was quicker to answer."
Jeongguk playfully pokes Taehyung's stomach and giggles.

"Shut up, i'm a grownup!"
A soft bunny smile is placed on his lips, soft but dark orbs look up to Taehyung's.

"Sure you are, Gguk. Sure you are."

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