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Taehyung couldn't stop staring at the two people in front of him, the male was so cute with his daughter, it was completely endearing but the boy couldn't stop thinking about how young the male was.

"She's adorable."
Taehyung speaks when they walk down the sidewalk to the closest little café.

"Thank you, she's everything to me but sometimes she runs off because she sees a butterfly or a squirrel."
The male looks down and chuckles, a sweet smile forming on his lips. Taehyung takes a good look at the male and notices how he's wearing a white dress-shirt which is lazily and half tucked into his blue ripped jeans. Timberlands, a black watch and silver necklace finishing the look off.

"She's just like how i was when i was younger."
The soft voice of the male cuts Taehyung out of his trance and makes him glance over at the girl again. Jeongguk scratches his neck and looks at the other male, noticing the paint smothered on his chest, a frown taking place.
"Again, i'm so sorry for ruining your painting and clothes."

"It's okay, i got lots of canvasses back at home and this was just an old shirt, the paint is water based so it won't stain."
Taehyung smiles sweetly and opens the door to the café, holding it for the little girl to step into the small building until the other male takes the door from him and nods at him, holding it open for Taehyung.

Jeongguk is an attractive young man with longer dark hair that is parted in the middle but still covering his eyes a little when the wind blows through it. A little mole sits under his pink-tinted lips and the silver necklace rests on his prominent collarbones. Brown doe eyes look at Taehyung like he just asked him a question.

"I-i'm sorry, did you say something?"
Taehyung smiles embarrassed, making the other laugh.

"Yeah, i asked you how old you are."
Jeongguk smiles and orders a latte for himself and a coffee and cream for Taehyung.

"Daddy? Can i has ice cream?"
Jeongguk nods and hands her 5 bucks, letting her skip over to the counter to get it herself.

"Oh, sorry. I'm twenty-two years old, what about you?"
Jeongguk smiles when his little girl hops over to their booth again and hands him the change, a 'thank you princess' rolling from his lips.

"Daddy's twinny!"
Jeongguk chuckles and wipes some chocolate ice cream from her lips, sticking his thumb in his mouth to clear it.

"She means that i'm twenty years old."
Taehyung nods, not wanting to say that he's awfully young to have a kid, to not sound rude.
"I'm young to have a kid, i know."
Taehyung's eyes widen at the statement, blood rushing to his cheeks so he tries and cover them with a napkin.

Jeongguk giggles and leans back in his seat.

"Don't worry, i know that i am and i never would've thought to have a kid at seventeen but she's the best thing that ever happened to me."
Jeongguk trails his fingers through her hair while she patiently licks her ice cream, not interfering in the conversation.

"That's wonderful."
Taehyung smiles and sees his phone light up, he takes a sip from his coffee and cream only to widen his eyes.
"I'm sorry, i need to go. My grandma needs me at home."
Taehyung grabs a napkin and scribbles down something, leaving abrubtly.

"Call me,
Kim Taehyung."

Jeongguk smiles and looks out of the window, seeing the boy run off with his phone in hand. He glances over at the booth the boy just sat in, noticing how he left his bag on the seat next to him. Neri looks at her dad, receiving a kiss on the head and a hum in satisfaction. She smiles and tell him 'thank you' for the ice cream. He looks at her dress and his own clothes, smothered in paint. To Jeongguk, the boy was interesting, he had a calm vibe that Jeongguk could be around for hours.

"Let's go home, princess."
Neri nods, letting her dad clean her fingers with a wet wipe from his own bag and kissing them after. He picks her up and places her on his shoulders, walking out of the door with a bag extra.



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