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"Okay thank you sir."
Taehyung squeals after hanging up the phone, happy hands fly through the air. The older male runs towards his boyfriend and jumps into his arms, a big smile is set on Jeongguk's lips and he kisses the other male softly.
"I got the project!"

Jeongguk hugs him tightly, one hand propped underneath Taehyung's thigh to keep him up and the other around his waist.
"I'm so proud of you, i told you that you would get it."
Taehyung cups Jeongguk's cheeks and kisses him on the lips only to pull him closer and deepen it. The younger male carries him towards the couch and carefully lays him down on the leather so he could crawl in between Taehyung's legs and kiss down his neck.

"I only need a model now."
Taehyung's eyes widen and he pushes the male off of him, Jeongguk's doe eyes turn big and his hair fall slightly into his face. The younger fixes his shirt and looks offended at the elder.

"I could model for you?"
Taehyung bursts into laughter and slaps his leg.
"Yea sure, you want to pose half naked for a lot of people to see."
Jeongguk gulps, he didn't realise that a lot of people would see it, which is normal for an art exhibit. The elder knows that he's insecure about his body, which he has no reason for, so Taehyung immediately assumed that he needed to look for a model.

"I-i can do it. If i can help you with it then i'll d-do it."
Taehyung coo's at the boy in front of him, he notices how uncomfortable the younger is right now and he completely adores that Jeongguk is still stating this.

"Are you sure?"
Taehyung's voice is soft and careful, he slowly crawls towards Jeongguk's lap and sits down in it, arms wrapped around his neck and fingers trailing through his hair. Jeongguk hestitantly nods and smiles encouraging, eyes glistening and lips slightly parted.

"I'm sure, everything to make you happy and not see another half naked man."
Taehyung giggles, a growls emits from Jeongguk's throat and a big smile tugs at his lips when he tackles the elder backwards and lays down on top of him. Loud laughter fills the room when Jeongguk attacks Taehyung's neck again, being careful to not leave marks.

"Don't be careful. I want to be completely yours."
Jeongguk detaches his lips from the soft skin and looks at the male with furrowed eyebrows.
"Mark me, Koo."
Again, Jeongguk's eyes glisten, the male attacks Taehyung's neck and softly suckles and bites on the soft flesh. A light grunt leaves the older's lips when Jeongguk bites a spot underneath his ear, a smirk could be felt against the skin. Jeongguk grabs Taehyung's hands and pins them above his head without breaking the contact to his neck, his hips softly roll against Taehyung's receiving a delicious whimper from the older male.

Jeongguk pulls back softly and admires the marks he just left, pretty red and purple spots now litter his boyfriend's neck and collarbone.
"You're so gorgeous."
Taehyung pulls the younger into a kiss and holds the back of his head, softly tugging at the dark, curly locks.
Jeongguk speaks in between kisses, noticing how heated their session got and not wanting to do anything to make his lover uncomfortable.
"If you keep doing this."
The younger's hands take their place on Taehyung's waist as hint for him to stop the kiss.
"I won't be able to control myself."

Taehyung smirks softly and pulls back, licking his lips seductively and speaking up.
"Maybe i don't want you to hold back."

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