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"I promise i won't tell anyone, and it's not like i know your friends or anything.."
Taehyung sips from his water again, seeing Jeongguk getting a little worked up and tensing in his seat.

"I-i told her that i'm not into.. girls, so.. that was the reason we cut it off. I thought that i was into her but it was more in a best friend way than a romantic way, i didn't know what a relationship was like, so i just assumed that everything was supposed to feel like how i experienced it with her."
Taehyung chokes on his water, expecting everything but Jeongguk being homosexual. The male wipes his mouth, seeing Jeongguk run off to the kitchen to get something to clean him up with.

"I'm so sorry, i did not mean it like that. It's okay, really. I'm not into girls myself. Please don't think that i meant it different, just didn't expect it."
Jeongguk smiles softly at the kind-of-encouraging words.

"Thank you."
The younger boy wipes Taehyung's chin clean of water and dabs his shirt softly, his hands trembling and his lips forming into a shy smile.

"Let me do it, don't worry."
Taehyung grabs the rag and dabs his chest and stomach, not forgetting his thighs. Jeongguk looks at the boy, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear so if wouldn't be annoying and in front of his eyes.
"I'm proud of you for being able to tell me this, Jeongguk."
Taehyung smiles sweetly and walks to the kitchen to rinse the rag and put it away.

"Thank you, it's hard to guess who will accept you and who won't."
Taehyung nods, knowing all about it. He thought that his parents would take him as who he was but apparently he was wrong, making the relationship ever worse between his parents and making them fight more if it was even possible.

"So uhm.. i'm hungry. Want to go out and get some pizza?"
Jeongguk cocks his brow and smiles sweetly, looking like a cute little bunny to Taehyung. The male nods and stands up, giggly walking to the hallway to go and put on his shoes and coat. Before he could grab the beige fabric, Jeongguk had already placed it over his shoulders.

"Thank you."
Taehyung blushes slightly, looking down at his feet to try and hide the crimson red blush on his cheeks, the heat spreading to his ears more and more. Jeongguk steps forward and opens the door, holding it open for the boy so he could step out. The younger boy smiles and locks the door, putting his keys in his pocket and pressing the button to open his car.

"Rich guy much?"
Taehyung giggles at the sight of Jeongguk opening the door to his Mercedez Benz for Taehyung so he could step in and get seated. Taehyung thanks the boy once again and buckles up. He looks out of the window, opening the glass a little bit so a fresh breeze could trail through his hair and he could smell the freshly mowed grass.

"I love spring, everything seems a lot easier when it's spring."
Taehyung nods, agreeing with his statement because everything does seem a lot easier when it's spring. The sun is out, it's not too hot but not cold either. Animals give birth and flowers start growing, creating a beautiful scenery all around them. Jeongguk plays a song, turning it up louder only to scream along 'here's to never growing up' to the beat, banging his head to the song and laughing at loud. Taehyung looks at him and adores the playful manners of the younger. He loves how he enjoys every little thing and how he enjoys just being around the older boy.

"Shit i forgot to give you your bag."
Jeongguk pouts and stops his car on the side of the road, getting ready to look over his shoulder and back up to turn the vehicle around.

"Hey, don't worry. Let's go get pizza."
Taehyung smiles and grabs his bicep, looking straight into his eyes.
"It's just a reason for me to come over again."

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