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"I win sucker!"
Taehyung slams his hands on the table, jumping up and sticking his tongue out towards Jeongguk. Neri was at her mom's place so the two decided to drink something and play games all night.

"You cheated!"
Jeongguk pouts and crosses his arms, not being able to deal with losing from Taehyung.

"Did not!"
Taehyung glares playfully and bows over the table, smirking at the boy.

"Did so!"
Jeongguk takes the same position, faces close and breaths hitting each other's lips.

"How the fuck can you cheat with 'who is it'?"
Taehyung smiles brightly and sneakily looks
At the male's lips, licking his own and looking back into his eyes. Jeongguk clears his throat and takes a step back.

"D-do you want another drink?"
Taehyung nods and sits down again, feeling a little uncomfortable due to the tension lingering in the air. The male scratches his arm and bites his lip impatiently.
"Stop that, don't ruin them!"
Jeongguk places his thumb on Taehyung's bottom lip and glares at him.

Taehyung cocks his head to the side, looking into the male's eyes. Jeongguk crouches down to be on Taehyung's level, keeping his hand in place.

"You better be, they're pretty."
Jeongguk speaks softly, adoring the lips of the older boy. He softly trails his thumb across Taehyung's bottom lip and smiles.
Jeongguk smiles uncomfortably and stands up again, making his way to his chair and only to take a big sip of his scotch on the rocks, hissing a little at the nice burn in his throat.

"Jeongguk, don't say sorry."
Taehyung smiles softly and takes a sip of his own drink, trying not to think about what happened just now. To be fully honest, Taehyung didn't mind Jeongguk touching him like that. He liked the younger a little too much to his liking but he felt so comfortable around him, so... 'home'. The male can't think about how he would've lived if Neri hadn't knocked his easel over and ruined his painting.

He didn't want to think about it. Jeongguk and himself had gotten so close in the past two and a half months, scaring the two of them a little bit.

"Another game?"
Jeongguk shakes his head, standing up from his seat and walking to the living room to plop down on the couch and fold his hands.
"Is something wrong, Gguk?"
Taehyung carefully walks over to the couch and sits down, facing Jeongguk while his legs are criss-crossed. Jeongguk's hair covers part of his face, the curls mesmerize Taehyung, making him want to play with them all day.

"Hey, Gguk, talk to me."
Jeongguk looks up and stares into Taehyung's eyes, a soft smile is displayed on his lips and the look in his eyes is something Taehyung had never seen in Jeongguk's before; sadness.

"I kinda don't want to talk about it.."
Jeongguk takes a deep breath and looks down at his hands again, biting his lips.

"Stop that, don't ruin them."
Taehyung speaks softly, not wanting to affect the younger's mood even more. He tucks a strand of hair behind Jeongguk's ear so he can see his face, a chuckle leaving the younger's lips.

"That's my phrase, you thief."
Taehyung chuckles and looks at the boy, grabbing his hands which were anxiously fidgeting around.

"Stop that, tell me what's wrong."
Jeongguk sighs and chokes on his words, not knowing how to say what's bothering him.

"You see, i think i like my friend but he only sees me as his friend, you know."
Taehyung nods and keeps silent, listening to what the male has to say while softly rubbing his thumb over Jeongguk's hands.
"And i get it because i wouldn't want to raise someone else's kid at this age either. But he makes the two of us so happy by just being present."

Taehyung cocks his head to the side and looks into the younger's eyes, his right hand trailing through Jeongguk's hair and his left still holding onto his hands.
"Why don't you just tell him, maybe it's different than you think."
Taehyung shrugs his shoulder and smiles sweetly, genuinely trying to help the younger with his problem.

"If Neri likes this person so much, then why keep it to yourself. Give it a shot."
Jeongguk nods and anxiously bites his lip again, making it swell due to the impact of his teeth with the soft skin.

Taehyung looks at him, tapping Jeongguk's lips to try and tell him to not bite them.
"Just talk to this person, you'll be fine. You're a sweet, caring and good looking male. Who wouldn't want to try and go out with you, Jeongguk. Even my grandma wants to date you."
The two boys erupt in laughter, giggling about the statement Taehyung slipped past his lips. Taehyung looks over to the table, seeing how Jeongguk's phone is laying there.

"Text the person. Right now."
Taehyung hands him his phone, encouraging him to text the boy he liked. Jeongguk takes it with trembling hands, not knowing what to do and if it's the right choice.

Jeongguk types a message, seeing in the corner of his eye that Taehyung is anxiously waiting for him to send the message to this person, not being able see what he's typing and to who he's typing.

The boy hears his phone ring, telling Jeongguk to hold on. He grabs his phone from the dining table where they were playing their game and drinking their beverages, unlocking it and walking back to the living room without checking the message.

The boy sits back down in his spot, eyes widening and he looks up at Jeongguk, not believing what he's seeing.

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