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Jeongguk looks up the stairs, no sight or even a slight sound is heard and seen of the boy. Jeongguk mumbles and motions for Neri to come to him and walk upstairs with her dad.
The little girl giggles softly and crawls up the stairs, tumbling down once in a while into Jeongguk's arms. The male places a finger to his lips, wanting to wake the male up with soft kisses and tiny cuddles from Neri. Taehyung had been going through a rough time ever since he heard that his grandma had the beginning stadium of Alzheimers and probably need to choose between taking her to an elderly home where they can help her day and night with the right stuff and medication or he needs to do it himself, all day and all night.

Jeongguk knows that the male is having a hard time and he knows that Taehyung will be a little distant towards him since he wants to keep his grandma here. He promised her that she could stay with him after his grandfather died and he is not planning to turn his back on her only because the two of them started dating.

"Okay, carefully climb up the bad and wake him up, okay? I'll be baking pancakes."
Jeongguk pats her butt softly and opens the door to his bedroom slightly so she could sneak in and crawl onto the bed.

Soft giggles can be heard through the door when he turns his back to walk down the stairs again, a soft smile is plastered on his lips at the thought of his boyfriend forgetting about the problems surrounding him.

It didn't take long for Jeongguk to finish making breakfast for the three of them, a few pancakes, apple juice and a few breadrolls are spread around the table when Taehyung and Neri giggly walk downstairs. The male kisses Jeongguk good morning with the girl still on his arm.
"Good morning, beautiful."
Jeongguk smiles softly, noticing the bright red blush spreading over Taehyung's cheeks. The younger male smirks and chuckles, receiving a light punch against his arm from Taehyung.

"Morning, Jeon."
Taehyung smiles evilly and winks at the boy, seeing how Jeongguk pokes his tongue into the soft flesh of the inside of his cheek, an annoyed but playful expression on his face.

Jeongguk suddenly scoops the male up and places him over his shoulder, smacking his ass and throwing him on the couch to tickle him.
"Dada no!"
Neri slams her little fists onto Jeongguk's back and tries to pry the younger off of Taehyung. Jeongguk laughs at his daughter climbing into his neck and squeezing his hands in order to save the elder.

"Good girl, Neri."
Taehyung smiles and pins Jeongguk backwards, his back pressed against the backrest and Taehyung climbs into his lap, straddling his thighs and kissing his lips quick and soft. Jeongguk's hands travel up Taehyung's waist and he snakes his arms around the male, pulling him close and connecting their lips one more time. A whine and fake gag from Neri drives the two boys apart from each other, the three giggle and eventually sit down at the dining table, hoping that the pancakes are still warm so the butter and syrup will nicely melt over them.

"So, did you hear anything from Yoongi yet?"
Jeongguk shakes his head while he stop Neri from making a syrupy mess all over the table.
"I hope they'll be able to come over."
Taehyung happily takes a bite from his pancake and lovingly looks at Jeongguk. The younger smiles at him and it felt like the two were all alone in the room before petty little Neri flicked a bread roll to her dad's face.

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