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Jeongguk is seated on the couch when Neri runs towards him and tells him about how her imaginary friend had been mean to her and how he needs to punish her. Jeongguk chuckles and does what she says, a time out on the stairs for the girl in his princess' head.
"Eat your breakfast, princess. Mommy's coming to get you soon."

Neri nods and stuffs her face with a piece of blueberry-pancake, gulping a glass of milk down before smiling at her dad who's leaned against the kitchen counter to adore his daughter.

He and her mother aren't together anymore and her mother, Jihae didn't want much to do with her so they decided that Neri should live with Jeongguk and they went to fix that at court. Every weekend would be Jihae's few days with Neri because she did want to see her daughter and be involved in her life just a little bit.

Jeongguk packs her frozen bag with a banana and a coloring book, her stuffed monkey already sitting on the counter to be taken with her to her mom's place.
"Did you finish your pancakes?"
Jeongguk turns around and sees that she isn't sitting in her spot anymore.

Jeongguk chuckles and asks her if it's okay for her to lie, which she answers sweetly with a 'no' and 'sorry'.

"Sit down and finish the last piece sweetie."
Jeongguk ruffles her hair and hands her another glass of milk. She kicks her legs under the table out of excitement and looks at her dad, big brown doe eyes meeting his own.
"I need to make sure that you eat well, princess. You know that."

She nods and agrees, knowing that her dad is only trying to look out for her. Jeongguk walks into the kitchen again, her bottle with juice sitting patiently on the counter to be tucked into her bag.
"Mommy will be here in a few minutes, be good for me okay?"

Neri nods again, whining when Jeongguk hands her the bag.
"I don't want to go, daddy."
Jeongguk pats her head and crouches down in front of her.

"I know, princess. But mommy wants to see you too. You'll be back on monday and i'll be waiting for you."
She nods her head once again and hugs him tightly, arms wrapped around his neck and his big palms on her back, almost covering all of it.
"I love you, kiss?"
He taps his lips and she kisses him sweetly, over exaggerating a 'mwah' sound.

The doorbell rings, indicating that her mother arrived and that his little girl needs to leave now.
"Bye-byes daddy."
She waves her little hand and grabs Jihae's with the other. The male smiles and waves at her until the car is out of sight, making him sigh sadly, another boring weekend without his little girl.

Taehyung stares at the wall and sighs, bored out of his mind because Jimin is with his boyfriend and his grandma has a friend of hers over. Taehyung scrolls through his phone and opens his messages, debating wether or not to text the male from a few days ago to go and pick up his bag.
"Fuck it."

Taehyung's thumb hovers over the contact and he bites his lip, nervous about the fact that he could be bothering the other male because not everyone is bored when he is. After a lot of making up his mind he decides to call the younger male. A few rings and heavy breathing meets his ear.
"H-hey, are you busy?"
A chuckle can be heard from the other side of the line.

"No, no i'm not. From where do i get the pleasure of you calling me?"
Jeongguk chuckles and tries to steady his breathing.
"I just got back from a run, don't mind me."

Taehyung giggles and tells him not to worry about it and that he hoped that the run was nice.
"I actually wanted to ask if i could come get my bag?"
Jeongguk tells him that it's fine because Neri is out and he got nothing else to do.
"Text me the address, i'll be there soon."
The males bid their goodbyes and not long after Taehyung's phone vibrates, indicating that Jeongguk texted him the address.

A soft smile is displayed on the boy's mouth when he notices that Jeongguk's house is not that far away from his own.

"Grandma, i'm going to be out for a bit, call me when something is wrong. If i don't pick up-"

"Yeah, yeah, i'll call Jimin. Have fun!"
Taehyung snickers and grabs a beige coat, throwing it on and grabbing his keys from the hook before stepping out and closing the door behind him.

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