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Jeongguk whispers softly into his ear, shaking his shoulder gently. The male opens his eyes carefully, adjusting to the dimmed lights from the living room.
"Come on, let me take you to bed."
Taehyung nods and extends his arms, wanting to be carried. Jeongguk chuckles and picks the boy up, getting shocked by how light the male is. Taehyung wraps his legs around Jeongguk's waist and lays his head in his neck, practically sleeping again. The male carries him upstairs and into his room. Jeongguk places him softly onto his bed and covers his body with the sheets. Taehyung rolls over and pulls the sheets up, smiling in content.

"Sleep well, Taehyungie."
The boy whines at the loss of contact and motions for Jeongguk to lay down besides him.
"Are you sure? I don't want to do anything you're not okay with."
Taehyung nods and opens throws the covers open for Jeongguk to lay down.

A soft smile is placed onto Jeongguk's lips, he carefully sits down on the bed and lays down, covering himself with the sheets and looks at Taehyung, noticing how the elder is looking at him too.
"Is Neri asleep?"
Jeongguk nods and tells him that he brought Neri to bed before he woke him up. Taehyung hums happily and smiles, looking into Jeongguk's eyes and playing with the younger's hair.

"I like your hair, it's pretty."
Jeongguk blushes and smiles embarrassed. He thanks the elder and places his hand on Taehyung's upper arm, sliding it down and making his way towards Taehyung's waist.

"You're pretty."
Taehyung blushes, his eyes widen and a stutter leaves his lips. A playful smack on Jeongguk's arm makes them giggle.

"You can't just say that, Jeongguk!"
The younger giggles and turns off the light, the only light that dims the room is the moon shining through the curtains now. The illuminating lights on Taehyung's face made him even more attractive to Jeongguk, which he wasn't even sure of that it was possible.
"Is something wrong?"
Taehyung's eyes soften, slight fear can be read off of his eyes.

"N-no.. why would you think that?"
Jeongguk strokes Taehyung's hair, propping himself on his elbow with a soft smile tugging on his lips.
"I'm just admiring what i think that is gorgeous."

Taehyung thanked the gods that it was dark in the bedroom, he couldn't have dealt with the bright red blush spread over his cheeks when Jeongguk was able to see it. The boy hides his face with the bedsheets and pulls it over his nose so his eyes are the only thing on display.

"Don't do that, i want to see you."
Taehyung's blush turns redder and redder, for some reason it feels like his face is on fire, the heat dancing under his skin. The younger male pushes the sheets softly down and off of Taehyung's face while speaking in a low but soft voice. Jeongguk smiles softly, he glances over to the clock which indicates that it's 2 am and way too late.

Both males decided it was better if they headed to sleep and get some rest otherwise they'd be cranky in the morning. Jeongguk jumps up five minutes after turning around and closing his eyes, a soft knock on the door following. The two males sit up, flicking the lamp on the nightstand on and rubbing their eyes due to the warm yellow light.

"Neri? Are you okay?"
Jeongguk steps out of his bed and stumbles over his own clothes scattered over the floor, making the elder male laugh silently, receiving a playful glare from the younger with a bunny smile following. Jeongguk opens the door and picks his little girl up, setting her on his hip while a bunny plushie dangles from her fingers and her other hand is rubbing her eyes.

"Has bad dreamies."
Jeongguk nods and looks at Taehyung, silently asking for permission. The male nods and smiles softly, patting the sheets next to him. Jeongguk mouths a 'thank you' and lays her next to Taehyung in the middle of the bed, stepping in himself right after.

The two males smile at the little girl when she curls up into Jeongguk's shirt, soft snores fill the room not long after. Jeongguk looks into the elder's eyes and leans in, pecking Taehyung's head lovingly and turning off the light, leaving the blushing mess called Kim Taehyung laying in his bed with the sheets pulled up until over his head.

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