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Taehyung opens the door, his shirt now draping off of his shoulder due to running back home. His hair is slightly sticking to his forehead and his lips are bitten.

"Taehyungie, i'm in the kitchen."
Taehyung makes his way towards the kitchen, a little breathless sigh is slipped from between his lips when he sees that she bakes cookies.
"Jiminie is coming over so i baked cookies, you took a long time outside."

Taehyung smiles sweetly, only then realising that he forgot his bag.
"Shoot! I'll be right back!"
He makes his way towards the door to dash out of the house but the ringing in his pocket makes him stop for a second, an unknown number texts him.
"Hey, i got your bag. Come get it some time, i'll keep it safe. - Jeon Jeongguk."

Taehyung smiles and closes the door, sighing once again but this time out of happiness. He slams the door shut, hearing someone scream 'bitch' from the other side, making him open the wooden barrier once again to meet the eyes of his best friend and a red spot on his forehead.

"Nice to see you too, asshole."
Jimin walks in and closes the door, giggling at the sight of his best friend standing there dumbfounded and apologizing.

"It's not like you didn't deserve it."
Taehyung chuckles and tells his grandma that they'll be right back. The male pulls Jimin's wrist up the stairs and towards his bedroom.

"What happened to your shirt?"
Taehyung sighs and takes it off, throwing it in the laundry bin. The male explains what happened at the park and how a little girl ran into his easel only to knock the paint all over her, himself and smear it all over her dad.
"Well damn."

Taehyung nods and tell Jimin that it's his fault that he's not finishing his coffee with Jeongguk and Neri right now.
"Just go back to the same spot tomorrow, start again and maybe she'll knock over the painting again."
Jimin giggles and hits Taehyung's shoulder.

"Or i just text him so i can go get my bag."
Taehyung scoffs at his best friend, realising that he's an idiot. It's okay though, because he loves him.

"Yeah or that."
Jimin giggles and hands the male a clean shirt, telling him to put it on and come downstairs because he smelled cookies and he's hungry. Taehyung chuckles softly and looks at the boy bolting out of his room.

Taehyung and Jimin have been friends ever since they were four years old and man he doesn't even know why he befriended the boy that ate glue on the first day of school, he never regretted though. He loves having Jimin around and he loves how he treats his grandma when he's over. Jimin had helped him through a lot and has even tried to make Taehyung date people to make him happy but the both of them realised that he doesn't need anyone else than his grandma, Jimin and his art.

He steps out of his room and closes the door behind him, slowly walking down the stairs to be met by a giggly grandma and Jimin at the dining table with a cup of hot chocolate and a plate of freshly baked cookies. Taehyung kisses her cheek and sits down next to her.
"I'm sorry beautiful, i went out to make you a painting but i got disturbed."

His grandma nods and grabs his hand, assuring him that it's fine and that his grandfather would've been proud of him for still making his art. Taehyung's grandfather had always been his biggest fan and hung his paintings all over the place. When he died, Taehyung included a portrait of him and his grandpa in the wooden coffin right before he got cremated.

Taehyung grabs the jewel around his neck once again and smiles at his grandma.
"He would've been proud of all of us, even Jimin."
Jimin yells an offended 'hey' and giggles, shoving a cookie between Taehyung's lips to shut him up.

"I'm not that bad!"
The three of them laugh and share stories from when they were younger and in middle school, bringing up Jimin's first love and the time that Taehyung stepped out of his damn closet and told the duo that he's into guys only to hear that the both of them already knew it for years because it was that obvious.

"I love you guys."
Taehyung hugs his grandma and holds Jimin's hand, a little tear rolling down his cheek out of happiness.

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