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Today is another peaceful day with amazing weather, the sun's out and a soft breeze plays with the male's hair. He looks around the street, checking the GPS on his phone once in a while when he needs to turn a corner.

Butterflies fly around his steps and the chirping of birds distracts the boy from his thoughts. He turns a corner and realises that he knows the neighborhood, he's close to his parents' house. Taehyung shivers and thinks about what his dad said when he came out; it's just a phase.

Taehyung looks at his phone, looking at the house number and checking every front yard for number 109. The male looks over at a garden at the end of the street that grabs his attention, pretty flowers and an middle-sized apple tree in the corner of the little field of grass. It takes the male off guard when he notices that this is Jeongguk's house. He walks up the porch and up the stairs, knocking on the door hestitantly. A lot of rummaging is heard at the other side of the wood and Jeongguk yelling 'i'm coming' makes the boy smile.

The younger opens the door carefully after unlocking it and connects eyes with Taehyung, smiling when he sees that it's the said male coming to get his bag.

Taehyung smiles back and sees Jeongguk opening the door further for him to come in. The male takes his shoes off and steps out of the hallway and into the living room.

"Don't mind the mess, i haven't had the time to clean since Neri left just two hours ago."
Taehyung hums and looks around the living room; white walls, a leather black couch and black fauteuil are at the right side. A grey wall with a black tv hung against it on the left side. A modern chandelier is hanging from the ceiling and a white faux fur carpet is laid underneat the black coffee table. A few pots with plants and drawings from Neri are scattered around the place. The toybox is left open and a few toys lay in front of it.

"I love your living room, real artsy and modern."
Taehyung smiles and sits down on the couch, his socked feet against the fur carpet spreads joy through his body.

"Thank you, i was scared of the white with Neri but she's really careful."
Jeongguk smiles and asks him if he'd like anything to drink, returning with a glass of water a few seconds later.
"Here you go."

Taehyung thanks him and takes the glass from his hands, taking a sip and placing it on a coaster.
"Neri is creative, isn't she?"
Jeongguk nods and sits down besides him, telling the male about how she can be entertained with just a few pencils and crayons for hours and hours straight.

"I can relate. I used to escape from the world through art."
Jeongguk smiles and looks into his eyes, noticing how they sparkle when the male talks about art.
"S-sorry, i tend to talk a lot about my artwork."
Taehyung giggles shyly and fidgets with his fingers.
"D-do you have any interests?"

Jeongguk nods and stands up, telling him to stay in his spot. The boy runs upstairs and comes back with a notebook in his hands, handing it to Taehyung.
"I write stories when i'm bored, mostly for Neri but i love to do it."
Jeongguk nods towards the book, giving Taehyung consent for reading through it.

Taehyung touches the leather cover and opens it on the first page, getting greated with a sweet little message towards his daughter.

"Hello princess, daddy here. I wrote this specially for you, if you're reading this it probably means that you've turned eightteen or snooped around my stuff again.

Have fun reading!
I love you,

Taehyung giggles at the snooping around, knowing how children's brains work.
"This is amazing!"
The male reads over a few pages and is met with an unfinished story.

"U-uhm, not that one."
Jeongguk takes the book from his hands, slight panic visible in his eyes.
"I didn't finish it yet but maybe i'll show you when i do."

Taehyung giggles and agrees, knowing how insecure he himself can get when people want to see his paintings when he hadn't finished them yet.
"That's fine, just let me know. I'll be waiting."
Taehyung winks playfully and hits Jeongguk's arm softly, a laugh emitting from their lips.
"Tell me about Neri's mom, is she as shy as Neri is or did she get that from her father?"

"Jihae is gorgeous, she's sweet, funny and an extrovert to be honest."
Jeongguk shyly giggles and rubs the back of his neck.
"Neri doesn't have that much bad qualities except for being impatient, we can't blame her though. Jihae and i both are really impatient."

Taehyung laughs softly and looks at the male telling about his family, he seems so happy when talking about Neri's mom that it makes him wonder why they aren't together anymore.
"She sounds lovely. Can i be a little bold and ask you why you aren't together anymore? Well, i'm assuming that you aren't because she picked Neri up?"

"I changed, actually. U-uhm.. i realised some things and we couldn't continue because of that. Not long after we found out that Jihae was pregnant."
Jeongguk again rubs the back of his neck. Taehyung extends his arm to make him stop and grabs his hand in his own, placing it down on Jeongguk's knee to calm him down.

"No being shy, i won't be a tattletale."

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