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Taehyung carries his easel with him over the sidewalk, heading to the park close to Jeongguk's house, wanting to paint the orange and red hues that slowly fall from the trees. Autumn neared and Taehyung loved the sight of it, the colors are beautiful and autumn means winter which means spring. Spring means one year of knowing Jeongguk. Taehyung sighs, Jeongguk will be coming to the park in an hour. In a few days the male will be turning twenty-one and Taehyung wanted to paint his gift without him knowing, which meant that he needed him to pose without him knowing.

This plan was going to suck.

The male decided it'd be better if he took a photo and painted the Canvas at home where he wouldn't be able to look at what Taehyung would be doing and ruin the surprise. So that's what Taehyung is going to do.

The ticking of the red light makes the male a bit anxious, it always has made him anxious and he got no clue why.

Maybe because his dad almost hit someone with his car due to fighting with his mom when he was younger, the sound of the ticking in the background was heard but this person already decided to cross the street. He still is not sure who was at fault in this scenario, his dad for being distracted or the person crossing the street while the light was red. Taehyung didn't really care though, nothing happened in the end, but eight year old Taehyung got his art supplies out as soon as he reached home.

His grandfather always told him to look left and right before crossing a street, so he does. The male looks left, right and checks left for incoming cars again before stepping onto the street when the light turned green.

The male is excited, he and Jeongguk hadn't seen each other in a week because the younger was visiting his parents in Busan. The male had asked Taehyung to come along with him and Neri but Taehyung declined, his grandma and his best friend don't know that the two are together yet and he definitely doesn't want his father to find out.

'Yea so i'm leaving for a week because my 20 year old boyfriend whom i'm together with for two weeks and whom has a three year old kid is going to visit his parents.'
That did not sound appealing to the male. Taehyung snickers to himself and smiles, not being able to wait for Jeongguk.

The male places his supplies onto the bench behind him, propping the easel up and placing a decent-sized canvas onto it. Taehyung mixes a few color onto his palette and smiles at the spot he chose; the tree where Jeongguk and Taehyung met.

His phone vibrates, a message from Jeongguk pops up on the screen saying that he'll be at the park in twenty minutes and can't wait to see his love, as what he calls him. Taehyung wasn't that much of a fan of nicknames, his parents gave him a name for a reason, but when Jeongguk gives him nicknames like 'love', 'doll' or 'petal' he melts and he loves it.

A bright smile is spread on his lips when he strokes his brush over the canvas, the yellow, orange and red colors colliding with every stroke he makes. This time he's not painting the trees and the grass like normally, now he's painting the bench and the busy street behind it with the tree hovering over both of them.

God he loves Daegu.

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