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Kim Taehyung strolls down the sidewalk, the beautiful spring weather calms his head. The birds chirp, the sun is warm on his skin and a soft breeze through his hair makes his locks dance. The male carries an easel around with him, trying to find the perfect spot to paint so he could cope with the stress of his parents getting divorced.

Taehyung has been interested in art ever since he was young, his parents would always fight so he would block out the noise by throwing colors onto a piece of paper and try and make the most pretty pieces out of it. This did not always turn out great since he started when he was just five years old at the time, but now he's a twenty-two year old male, strolling down the streets to seek some inspiration by fleeing from his parent's house.

The sounds of cars passing him are loud to his ears but it was nothing he couldn't expect from the busy streets in Daegu. The scenery was beautiful but nothing was perfect to Taehyung, the beach was too busy due to the hot weather and the fields were accompanied by people going out on picnics with their kids.

Kids, Taehyung loved them but would never want his own, maybe because he hadn't found the right person, maybe because he likes to be free but he's certain that it's mostly because of his own parents and the fear of turning into them.

The male didn't have a childhood like other kids would have at his age, he matured at a real young age to deal with himself and not rely on others. While his classmates were out to the zoo, he was painting in his room and trying to get his dad to look at his piece of art only to get yelled at.

He waits for a red light, the ticking of the timer making him nervous. When the light turns green, he quickly checks left and right and crosses the street, walking into a quiet park where mostly only older people come to walk their dogs or have a stroll with their beloved husband or wife.  The soles of his shoes step onto the slightly wet grass, he takes a deep breath and looks around, spotting a cherry-blossom tree.

The park was almost empty, a few elderly couples walk around just like he predicted and smile at him sweetly. The male sets up his easel and takes his supplies out of his bag that's hanging loosely around his shoulder. The chirping of birds and rustling of leaves calms his head down once again, making him hum along to a song he heard not too long ago; let me down slowly by Alec Benjamin.

The boy takes a stroke of green watercolor-paint on his favorite brush that his grandma once gifted him and he makes a stroke on the canvas with a peaceful smile on his face. The thought of his grandma waiting for him at his own house always makes him sigh in content. Ever since his grandpa passed, she got lonely so Taehyung offered to take care of her since she always took care of him and practically raised him, how could he not have told her that it was okay to stay with him? She's his only real family.

Another stroke of green makes the grass appear onto the blank canvas, adding some water to the paint makes the colors of green blend in well. His loose shirt dances along with the soft breeze that's whispering into his ears.

The male always believed that if you listened real carefully, it'd speak to you. Well, that's what his grandfather always told him and he hadn't doubted his old but wise man. He stops painting for a second and wraps his hand around the silver charm hanging around his neck. The male sighs and clears his brush, a brown-red tint taking place on his brush.

The giggling of a little girl not far away from him makes the male smile, the sound of birds and kids being his favorite. The sound comes closer and closer until it knocks over the male's easel and makes the water, paint and canvas land on top of her yellow dress and Taehyung's pastel blue shirt is now stained with green and brown tints.

A male stops in front of Taehyung, to Taehyung it looks like he's very young, around twenty years old, his hands are rested on his knees to catch his breath while Taehyung helps the girl — who looks not much older than three years old —stand up and ask her if she's not hurt.
"Don't do that again, princess."
The male cups her cheeks, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
"Daddy thought that you'd run into the street, never leave me like that okay?"

The girl nods and wraps her little arms around the male's neck.
"I'm so sorry, i'll pay you back if you want."
The male takes the girl on his arm and wants to pull out his wallet.

"Please don't, it's okay."
Taehyung picks up the canvas and sighs while looking at it. This was meant for his grandma since she can't go out much due to health issues, now little hand prints are stained in the pink hues.

"I insist. My name is Jeongguk."
Taehyung smiles and extends his own hand to shake the male's.

"Taehyung. And if you really insist, let's get a cup of coffee."
Jeongguk nods and places Neri down, dabbing her dress with a cloth that Taehyung handed him, apologizing once again.

"That sounds like a plan."

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