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"Be good for mommy."
Jeongguk pats Neri's head and ruffles her hair before saying his goodbye's to both Neri and her mother. Taehyung and Jeongguk planned a double date with Yoongi and Jimin this evening and the both of them were really excited. Ever since Yoongi walked in on the two boys, Taehyung had been embarrassed and blushy around the oldest male and it annoyed him a lot. Taehyung sighs while stepping into Jeongguk's car and checking himself out in the rare view mirror.

"Hey, don't ruin my mirror, i need that for driving."
Jeongguk chuckles softly and smiles at the boy, knowing how uncomfortable Taehyung must feel around Yoongi.
"You'll be fine, i promise."
Jeongguk caresses the boy's face with his thumb and kisses his forehead softly.

"Thank you, but you make an embarrassment out of yourself all the time, how will you keep me from embarrassing myself if you can't even do it for you."
Taehyung playfully scoffs and punches Jeongguk's arm, a sweet smile is plastered on his lips.

"Jesus, i was only trying to be nice."
Jeongguk pouts and turns his head to the road, arms crossed over his chest and eye closed. Taehyung grabs his jaw softly and turns the younger's head back to his own face only to lean in and softly kiss his lips.
"What was that for?"
Taehyung shrugs his shoulders and stares lovingly into the younger's eyes, trying to count all the stars that he sees in them.

"Just wanted to let you know that i adore you."
The two males blush a slight pink color and lean back in their seats, clearing their throats and deciding that they should drive to the location they're meeting up with the other couple.
"You should-"

"I should, yes."
Jeongguk shakily turns the key in the ignition and starts the car, clearing his throat once more. The scenery the two drove through and the music playing on the radio calmed Taehyung's nerves, after all he's meeting up with his best friend's boyfriend who turns out to be Jeongguk's best friend and has seen him half naked in Jeongguk's bed. It's not like anything worse could happen.

The drive to the restaurant isn't that long since it's just a few streets away from Jihae's house.
Taehyung's palms begin to sweat and anxiety kicks in again, the male scolds himself for getting this worked up about such a little thing, Yoongi hadn't even seen him fully unclothed. The warm sensation of Jeongguk's hand grabbing his own makes a comfortable feeling rush through his body which calms the older male down. Taehyung glances over to him and looks into his eyes, noticing the familiar sparkle in Jeongguk's deep brown orbs.

"You look pretty, Tae. Now don't worry, you'll be fine."
Taehyung nods and tries to open the car door without succes since Jeongguk pulls back again.
"Don't do that yourself."
Jeongguk shows his bunny-like smile and Taehyung nods at him, a slight pink blush creeps onto his cheeks. The younger male hops out of the car and quickly runs around it only so he could hold the door for Taehyung and help him step out of the vehicle.

"Yea, yea Prince Charming.."
Jimin places his palm over Yoongi's mouth and glares daggers at him. Some muffled words and furrowed eyebrows towards Jimin makes the male shut up and cross his arms over his chest.
Jimin happily giggles and kisses his cheek before skipping over to Taehyung and pull him into a hug. They greet each other with a kiss on the cheek and start talking on their way from the parking lot to the actual restaurant.

"Hey, can you like.. steal your boyfriend back from mine?"
Jeongguk glances over at Yoongi and softly smiles, actually wanting to hold Taehyung's hand but when he's around his best friend that probably won't happen.

"Not needed."
Jeongguk furrows his eyebrows and turns around towards the other two males, noticing how Taehyung is running back towards him and hugs him tightly.

Jeongguk's smile spreads wider and he wraps his arms around the male's waist, keeping him close to his chest. Taehyung decided to get bold and softly kiss up Jeongguk's neck and towards his ear, only to kindly bite the lobe of his ear. Jeongguk's fingers dig into Taehyung's flesh and he carefully creates some distance between the two.
"Let's go inside, Tae."
Taehyung nods and grabs Jeongguk's hand in his own and starts walking with the sweet sound of 'don't be insecure, Koo'.

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