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"I came to apologize. You're amazing, Jeongguk, you really are. I enjoyed every second we spent together and every second we are going to spend in the future."
Taehyung smiles and fidgets with his fingers, not daring to make eye contact.

"Neri, go play in your room okay? Be careful on the stairs."
She nods and runs off giggly. Jeongguk scoots closer to the other male and places his hand on Taehyung's knee, trying to comfort him but not saying anything.

"And i'm sorry for reacting like that the other day, you didn't deserve that but to be honest i'm scared. I'm really, really scared of relationships. My parents always fought, not paying attention when i was just a kid and i do not want to end up like them. I know how it feels to be ignored and not wanted in the house."
Jeongguk nods and bites his lips, showing that he understands what the elder male tries to say.

"But it won't stop me from giving you a chance, Jeongguk. I'd love to go on a date with you."
Taehyung cups Jeongguk's cheek and smiles at him, looking straight into his eyes and caressing his slightly pink-tinted cheek. Jeongguk places his hand over Taehyung's, softly gripping it into his palm.

"Thank you."
Jeongguk smiles brightly, his teeth on display and looking like a cute little bunny.
"I mean it, thank you so much for opening up like that."
Taehyung nods and retracts his hand, noticing how Jeongguk won't let go and only locks their fingers around each other.
"I won't disappoint you, Taehyung."

"Y-you should know this is my first time that i will go out on a date with someone, so please bear with me."
Jeongguk nods, loving how insecure the boy suddenly got. He always seems like this tough boy that doesn't give a crap about what people think about him but on the inside he's a mushy little baby, according to the younger.

"What about we have our first, official date right here and right now?"
Jeongguk smiles, covering the elder with a blanket.

Jeongguk nods, brushing a strand of hair out of Taehyung's face and tucking it behind his ear.

"Yeah, just look at it like we're hanging out, like other times. A nice movie, tea and snacks. What do you think?"
Taehyung nods and smiles, looking into Jeongguk's eyes and taking a sip of his tea. Jeongguk smiles brightly, again showing his teeth but this time scrunching his nose out of excitement.
"Great, hold on!"
The boy waves with his hands, signing to Taehyung that he can't move.

A yell from the hallway is heard.
"Princess, are you okay there?"
A loud 'yes daddy' fills the house and a giggly Jeongguk runs back to the couch, leaving the door open so he could hear it when something breaks. He jumps over the back of the couch and plants himself next to Taehyung, startling him but making him smile. Taehyung leans his head on the younger's shoulder, a bright blush spreads over Jeongguk's cheeks.

"What genre do you like?"
Jeongguk looks at the boy, his eyes fixed onto Taehyung's and he smiles softly.

"Maybe something fantasy or horror."
Jeongguk nods and continues his searching. He plays 'Hush' and leans back onto the couch, his arm wrapping around Taehyung's shoulder and feet resting on the coffee table. Taehyung snuggles closer and lays his head on Jeongguk's chest, getting comfortable in the younger's presence.

With every jump scare or dumb decision the main character makes, Taehyung dugs further into Jeongguk's chest, his legs curled up against their bodies and fist gripping on the fabric.

Neri is standing —with a stuffed animal in her hands— in the doorway, rubbing her eyes lazily.
"Am sleepy."
Jeongguk pauses the movie and motions for her to come closer. She crawls onto the couch and lays her head on Jeongguk's lap, face towards his stomach and her arm hugging his thigh.

Taehyung raises his eyebrows, not believing how fast she fell asleep and that Jeongguk continues the movie.
"Aren't you afraid she'll wake up at a scary part?"
Jeongguk shakes his head, filling his lungs with air and screaming loudly.

"See, she won't even wake up when our house would be bombarded."
Taehyung giggles and tickles Jeongguk's side once, making him jerk a little to the left.

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