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"Neri, please sit down! Mommy wil be here tomorrow, not today."
Neri has been throwing a tantrum, swearing that mommy would be coming to get her today. Jeongguk has been trying to tell her that it's thursday and not friday. The girl screams, fat tears rolling down her cheeks. Jeongguk didn't expect that she wanted to go to her mom this bad.

The screaming and tantrum throwing ended when the doorbell rang, her head cocks to the side when she carefully stands up from the floor. Her eyes are red and puffy and her nose is stuffed. She carefully makes her way to the front door and stands on her tippy toes, trying to open it.

"Let me do that, princess."
Neri nods and sits down next to him, planting her butt on the floor and curiously looking up at the person standing on their porch.

She giggles, forgetting about the fact that she had been throwing a tantrum ever since six a.m. in the morning, giving her dad a huge headache.

Jeongguk sighs in content, a smile on his face and his features soft. He looks down at the male's hands, seeing a basket with a table cloth covering the top.

"Good morning sunshines."
He steps inside with a smile on his face, patting Neri's head and blowing her a kiss. The male walks to the kitchen and starts unloading the basket after placing the little girl on the counter so she could see what he was doing.
"You look like you died twenty-five years ago."
Taehyung scoffs and smiles at Jeongguk, only the noticing the half-unbuttoned shirt and black sweatpants.

"Thanks, Taehyung."
Jeongguk giggles and trails a hand through his hair, his other hand stuffed in his pocket.
"Not trying to be rude or anything but why exactly are you in my kitchen at ten in the morning?"

Taehyung laughs softly, unloading a plushie for the three year old.
"Has she been good?"
Jeongguk gives him a warning glare, that she hadn't been that good past hours.
"That's a no."
The girl pouts and whines towards her daddy, receiving a 'don't you cry again' look. Jeongguk had really had it for today.

"No, Neri. Don't act like you didn't wake me up at five-thirty only to throw a tantrum for four and a half hours."
She nods and apologizes, waddling off to the couch so she could play with the toys and crayons that are scattered around the living room.

"I thought let's stop by, you deserve a warm apple pie made by grandma Kim herself!"
Jeongguk smiles brightly, agreeing that he deserved something sweet and unhealthy.

"Thank you so much, Taehyung. You have no idea how much i crave for something like this."
Taehyung giggles shyly when Jeongguk pecks his cheek, covering his face with his hair by hanging his head low so the other male wouldn't see his blush.
"Would you like some coffee?"
Taehyung nods and grabs the mug he always uses when he's over. It has little bunnies on it, reminding him of Jeongguk when he smiles.

The male brews two cups of latte, pouring ice cubes into it and handing one to the elder boy, leaning his back against the counter.
"I'm sorry that you have to see me like this.. she woke me up really early and-"

"Don't worry, it's kinda cute."
Taehyung winks at the boy, taking a sip of his iced coffee and walking off to the living room where a little girl is patiently waiting for him.

"Tata! Look!"
She holds up a piece of paper, another drawing of the three of them splattered around in colors.

"You're so talented, sweetie! I'm so proud of you."
Taehyung ruffles her hair and takes her on his knee, talking about how well she drew, even if the paper showed some squiggly lines. Jeongguk on the other hand pushes his hair back with his fingers, his shoulder leaning against the doorframe and his legs crossed, coffee in hand while adoring the two.

"Daddy, daddy!"
She giggles and runs over to the male, already having forgotten about the fact that she was supposed to be angry at her dad.

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