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The crashing of plates against the floor and the crying of Jeongguk's little princess rings through the living room, the younger male asked Taehyung to come over and babysit his daughter - which he gladly said yes to - but it took Jeongguk too long. On the other side of the block is Taehyung spotted with his long, beige coat around his shoulder while admiring the scenery around him once again, trying to find new spots to paint his next paintings.

Jeongguk groans loudly and picks his daughter up, scolding her sternly for drawing on the white table with markers and grabbing the bawling toddler by her hand to place her on the naughty step. Loud screams of horror fill the household, screams like she's getting killed in a ruthless manner.
"Neri, if you won't stop screaming i will call mommy to say that you won't come over tomorrow!"
Jeongguk crouches down in front of her and glares at the little girl, his finger waving in front of her chest to get his point across. The little girl starts bawling even louder at the mentioning of not seeing mommy, which she damn well knows will not happen if she keeps this act up.

The doorbell cuts Jeongguk off from having a mental breakdown and he glares at his daughter for her to stay on the step. A few fat tears roll down her cheeks while she bites her lower lip and crosses her arms in front of her chest. Jeongguk rolls his eyes when he opens the door and sees his beloved boyfriend.
"Enjoy, i'm heading to the office."
The younger pecks Taehyung's lips and tells him that there's a note with all the emergency-numbers and the numbers from his office written down.

"Good luck, Koo."
Taehyung smiles softly and closes the door behind him before waving at his boyfriend who drives off of the driveway and towards his work.
"So. It's you, me and a lot of tantrums coming hours isn't it?"
Neri silently scoffs and turns her head around. Taehyung softly giggles and shakes his head, scanning her behaviour and noticing how she's still salty for being placed on the naughty step.

"Okay then, you stay there for another ten minutes and i'll go watch a movie."
Neri's eyes widen, she wants to speak up due to disagreeing with the male but Taehyung cuts her off by telling her that's she's being salty and salty girls don't get fun movies to watch.

The male walks towards the kitchen, happily humming a song while filling the boiler with water for a nice cup of tea. He opens the cabinet with mugs and chooses the baby blue mug with little bunnies on it, knowing that it's Jeongguk's. He pulls a bag of peach tea from another cabinet and sinks it into the mug, pouring the boiled water over it as last.

While walking into the living room, his jaw drops. The marker on the table and white chairs, the stains in the carpet and the plates on the ground makes him sigh deeply. He whispers a 'damnit Neri' under his breath and places his mug on the dining table only to walk back to the kitchen and fill a bucket with hot water and some cleaning detergent. He places it next to the coffee table and looks through the cabinets for some sponges and clean cloths.

"Okay, miss. We are going to clean the mess you made without any struggling against it, do you understand?"
The girl suckles on her thumb, eyes big, glistening and bloodshot, Taehyung definitely knew where her beauty came from. She nods sweetly and grabs Taehyung's hand to try and make it right.
"Good girl."
Taehyung crouches down to her level and looks her into the eyes, cupping her cheeks and smiling softly at her.
"You do realise that when daddy comes home you need to apologize to him?"
She nods again, knowing that she's been bad and bratty today.

"Yes Tata."
Taehyung smiles, compliments her for being a big girl and hugs her tightly only to lead her to the living room

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