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The day of the art-project exhibition Taehyung took part in and worked on for hours and hours straight past weeks had finally arrived, the waiting with headaches, tears and lots of starting over had finally come to an end. Taehyung is standing with a big smile on his face in front of the mirror, two strong arms wrap around his waist and hug him tightly against the hard but warm chest of his partner. Jeongguk places soft kisses to the side of the older's neck and rubs his hands up and down his side. The younger's deep, husky voice whispers against the shell of Taehyung's ear, sending millions of shivers down the male's spine. 
"You ready, baby?"
Taehyung leans into the touch and dips his head back against the younger's shoulder, eyes closed and a soft smile tugging at his lips. The male places his hands over Jeongguk's, swaying his hips from left to right into the younger's embrace.

"As ready as i can be."
Another soft kiss is placed against the tan skin of his throat before the younger sucks a slight mark onto it.
"Gguk, stop. We need to be formal today."

"So no being formal tomorrow?"
The younger playfully growls into his ear and bites onto the skin softly before tickling Taehyung's sides and throwing him onto the bed.

"Gguk, you know w-what i mean."
The older male starts laughing of the ticklish feeling in his sides and trashes his arms around, trying to push the boy off of him.

"Okay then, fine."
Jeongguk smiles softly and stops his actions, pecking the older softly on his lips before pulling away with his eyes still closed. Taehyung wraps his arms around Jeongguk's neck and plays with the hair on the back of Jeongguk's head.
"I love you, baby."
The older smiles sweetly and responds with an 'i love you'.

"Let's go baby, we'll be late otherwise."
Taehyung nods but keeps his body sprawled out on the bed, extending his arms and cocking his head to the side to look at his boyfriend.
"Are you really going to let me carry you?"
Taehyung nods sweetly and shows his boxy-smile. Jeongguk sighs and smiles, looking at his feet before darting his eyes towards the boy on the bed and picking him up.
"Even Neri is less clingy."

Taehyung gasps dramatically and hits Jeongguk's chest.
"Oh yea? A toddler whom cried over daddy leaving the couch so he could get the chocolate milk she asked for is less clingy than i am? I'm your goddamn boyfr-"
Jeongguk stares at the male and nods his head softly to the boy's rant.
"What are you looking at, you toddler servant."
Taehyung glares at the younger male and scoffs, not agreeing with what Jeongguk just said.

"You're so cute when you're sassy."
Jeongguk nuzzles his nose into Taehyung's neck and kisses the skin softly. A shiver creeps down Taehyung's spine and makes him whine of the familiar but missed feeling.

Jeongguk hums and grabs Taehyung's bag, swinging it over his shoulder and throwing Taehyung a bit into the air to catch him again and reposition the male in his arms.
"It's been so long.. when's Neri away with her mom again?"
Jeongguk chokes on his own saliva and blood rushes to his cheeks.

"U-uhm, in two days, w-why?"
Jeongguk quickly grabs his keys and places the male down again to snatch their coats and bolting out of the door.

"I want to finish that movie and i still deserve the popcorn you promised me!"
Taehyung whines and stomps his foot only to realise that the younger is blushing.
"Wait, you didn't think that i meant something else, right?"
An amused smile is creeping onto Taehyung's lips and he decided to provoke the younger a bit. The older male steps towards Jeongguk and trails the tip of his finger over his jawline and down to the younger's collarbone. The male leans in and bites the shell of Jeongguk's ear softly.

"Tae, stop. You do not want to start this shit. Let's go to that stupid art gallery to see all those stupid pictures and drawings only to arrive at your amazing art and then get the fuck back home so i can fuck you into the mattress, okay?"

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