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"Happy birthday to you.."
Taehyung softly sings and opens the door with his elbow, the birds are softly chirping and the sun is rising. The orange hue illuminates Jeongguk's bedroom.
"Happy birthday dear Jeongguk.."
A soft smile is placed onto Taehyung's lips when he sits down on the bed, next to the sleeping male. Taehyung plants a soft kiss onto his forehead when Neri couldn't hold her excitement and jumps right on top of her father, startling him awake and almost making the cake fly through the room.

Loud gasps are heard when Taehyung tries to catch the cake, a sigh and a giggle leaves the male's lips when he indeed catches it and finishes the song.
"Happy birthday to you..."
Jeongguk giggles and pulls his daughter towards him for a hug and a kiss.

The - now twenty-one year old - male pulls Taehyung towards him and onto his lap, he wraps his arms around Taehyung's waist and attacks his neck with loving kisses. Soft giggles leave Taehyung's lips, the younger smiles against the soft skin and pulls away, looking straight into Taehyung's eyes.

Taehyung cups the male's cheeks and bends down, kissing the younger's lips softly and feeling a hand on the back of his head before he could pull away.
The two giggle and tell Neri to go to her room to get ready for when her mom comes to pick her up. Since she thinks that she's a big girl, Jeongguk will let her get dressed herself, even if it turns out looking horrible. The girl obeys and smiles sweetly at the two males, running out of the room and making her way to her own.

Jeongguk smirks and grips Taehyung's waist, turning them over and hovering above him. A faint blush spreads over Taehyung's cheeks. Jeongguk's deep and raspy morning voice rings in his ear, sending shivers down his spine.
"You look so pretty under me."
Taehyung hits the younger on his chest, not agreeing with what's happening.

"Your daughter is in the room next to us, don't pull funny stuff, Jeon!"
A cute but serious glare is shot towards the younger who flops off of Taehyung and squirms, a whine slipping past his lips.

"You're so mean! Like you come in here looking all good and shit and i can't even-"
Two little knocks are heard against the door, Neri's little fist colliding with the wood makes the two of them immediately shut up.
"Yes princess?"

"Can i comes in?"
Jeongguk raises his eyebrow in confusion.

The little girl walks in and climbs onto the bed, blue dress slightly hanging over her shoulders so Taehyung could zip it up.
"Why did you ask, sweetie?"

"Mommy tolds me that if Tata's here that i needs to knock! Daddy and Tata can plays!"
The little girl glares at the two, little fists placed in her sides.
"And momny tolds me that i can't joins! Unfair."
The girl pouts and a crimson red, burning feeling is spread over both male's cheeks. Jeongguk definitely needs to talk to his former girlfriend.

"Okay sweetie, i get it. Just tell mommy that daddy and Tata don't play, okay?"
She nods while Jeongguk receives a slap against the back of his head. The older male whisper yells at him that he can't say that to her and that it's inappropriate.
"It's true, isn't it?"

Taehyung sighs and sends the girl back to her room to get her bag and play some more with her dolls.
"She's a kid, Gguk. You can't say to her that we don't have sex!"
Jeongguk shrugs his shoulders, again stating that it's the truth and she won't get what they mean anyways .
"I hate you, Jeon."

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