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Taehyung pulls Jimin towards their favorite diner, the one that their friend is running. To be honest, they went there because Jin told them that they'd get free coffee. Jimin whines at the tight grip around his waist, the slight younger boy pulls him down the sidewalk and won't stop talking about which coffee he'll get. The weather is surprisingly good, considering it had been raining all week and they wouldn't have expected it to be 20 degrees celsius after that. Summer is a weird season.

The soft ringing of a vintage bell attached to the door indicates Jin and Namjoon that the two boys had arrived. Taehyung smiles softly and walks over to his favorite booth, sitting down in his spot and motioning for Jimin to sit across of him.

"You needed to tell me something?"
Taehyung nods and check the menu, still debating which kind and which type of coffee he'll get.

"Yea, i do."
Taehyung smiles softly and thinks back at the day before, the cuddling with Jeongguk and Neri all night, the cute breakfast Jeongguk had made for them and the movie they watched after their breakfast. The tickling and just enjoy each other's presence.
"I kind of had my first date?"
Jimin squeals and hits his palms onto the table, fangirling over his best friend.

"Tell me all about it! Who was it with?"
Taehyung blushes a shade of red, heat sprawling out over his cheeks and towards his ears. The male scratches his neck and slightly stutters.

A shy, embarrassed giggle leaves his lips. Taehyung sinks his teeth into his lower lip and tries to look anywhere but at his friend. Jimin gasps and palms his mouth, having expected this but not this soon. He's happy for his friend, which doesn't mean that he won't keep him safe like he did before. Taehyung's past still lingers in their heads and Jimin just doesn't want anything bad to happen to him, not anymore than it already did.

"H-how was it? Was it fun? What did you two do?"
Taehyung nods and tells him about what a great time he had, starting from the beginning and stopping at the end where Neri crawled into bed with them and woke him up in the morning on Jeongguk's command so they could eat breakfast.

"It was perfect."
Taehyung shows a sad smile, his mind wanders off to places he didn't want to think about. What if Jeongguk and himself will get serious? What about Neri, he's not ready to be a dad, is he? What if, what if, what if. Taehyung is the most scared of turning into what ruined his life and what he'll be scared of the rest of his life; his parents. So many questions and thoughts invade his head that he doesn't realise that Jin sat down next to them to chat for a little bit.

Taehyung sighs and turns around, meeting Jin's face right next to his own. A little squeal erupts from his lips, his body moves an inch further into the booth and an embarrassed smile is displayed on his face.
"Jesus christ, Jin!"
The younger boy glares at him and sighs, shooting daggers with his eyes towards Jimin to make him stop laughing.

"I'm only here for your order, you know, because this is my café? I'm supposed to be here."
Taehyung nods and sighs in an embarrassed manner, he bites his lip softly and his eyes dart towards the window. The wind blows leaves across the street, one dancing on the other side of the glass. The bouncing of a yellow dress catches Taehyung's attention.

A smile spreads across his lips and the male stands up, not bothering to tell his best friend that he'll be right back. Taehyung carefully darts across the street and catches the girl, lifting her onto his arm.
"Hi princess, where's daddy?"
Neri giggles cutely and plays with Taehyung's natural curls.

"Daddy home, mommy's with me nows!"
Taehyung raises an eyebrow, not understanding why Neri would be with her mom on a thursday afternoon.

"Where's mommy then?"
Neri shrugs her shoulders and explains that she got distracted by a bee and followed it.
"You know that you can't run off like that, Neri. I'm calling your dad."
Taehyung turns his head left and right before crossing the street with the girl on his arm, walking back into the diner and sitting down on his spot in front of Jimin.

"Here, you watch her for a second while i call Jeongguk."
He hands his best friend the little girl whom immediately starts poking his cheeks and laugh hysterically.

It took a few rings before the other male picked up the phone and a raspy, deep voice is heard through the speakers.

"Jesus, you sound like you're dying."
Jeongguk chuckles and tells the older male that he indeed is dying of the flu, his throat hurts and no food can be held into his stomach.

"Why did i get blessed with your phone call, Taehyung?"
The older male could hear the flirtatiousness in Jeongguk's voice, even when he's sick, he knows what to say to make Taehyung's heart skip a beat and his face flush red.

"I found your daughter. Again."
An annoyed sigh leaves Jeongguk's lips and the rustling of — what Taehyung assumes — his covers indicates that the male is getting up.

"Okay, i'll call Jihae. Where are you right now? I'm on my way."

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