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The chirping of the birds and bright sun shining down on Taehyung's face makes him forget about where he's heading for long enough to calm him down. It's currently one thirty and he's supposed to be at Jeongguk's at two so the male decided to head out early and calm his mind by visiting the park which is just a few minutes away from Jeongguk's house.

Taehyung was anxious, stressed and scared for what's to come, for what's going to happen and for what is going to change between himself and Jeongguk.

The male sighs, a deep breath erupting from his lungs, making him throw his head back against the tree he's seated against. The male takes a deep breath and notices the scent of grass and flowers swirling around and into his nose. Summer was almost ending and autumn was around the corner.

The male glances over at his phone and checks the time; one fourty-two. He stands up and brushes his hands over his pants, getting rid of the grass sticking to the fabric.
"Here we go."
Another sigh leaves his lips, this time it's a sigh of anticipation, curiosity and anger. Anger towards himself for being such a pussy and making a big fuss about meeting the guy he saw as a great friend, the friend that kissed him and himself who didn't mind the kiss at all.

The male walks through the gates of the park, his feet meeting the sidewalk towards Jeongguk's house. His new shoes and his beige summer coat taking his thoughts off of other things, remembering that there's a stain on the right side of his coat due to Neri spilling juice over it and that he still needs to get it dry-cleaned because of it. His shoes because they're new and he does not want to step into a puddle of mud created by the rainfall the night before.

Before Taehyung knew, he was stood in front of the younger male's porch, feet making their way up the wood and towards the door. His hand makes it's way towards the wooden entrance and knocks twice, almost involuntary. Taehyung body reacts faster than his brain does and he starts to panic, regretting coming over and wanting to make his way home as quickly as he can but his feet seem glued to the porch.

A warm smile greets him when the door opens, Jeongguk's dark locks are messy and his natural curls are showing. The mole underneath his lips catches Taehyung's attention and his eyes look a bit red as if the male just woke up. Jeongguk's chest is covered by an oversized dress-shirt with rolled up sleeves and his legs are hugged by grey sweatpants, contouring the muscles on his legs.

"Hey, you came."
Taehyung nods and pulls his coat off, stepping into the house and hanging it on the coatrack.
"Something wrong?"
Jeongguk closes the door and looks at the male, a confused look can be read off of his face by his furrowed eyebrows and the concerned look in his eyes.

"Yes, something's wrong. Is Neri home?"
Taehyung turns around and faces the younger, arms crossed and an unreadable expression on his face.

"N-not yet, she'll be here at three, why?"
Jeongguk tries to explain that her mom picked her up for ice cream.

"Good, she does not need to hear this."
Taehyung takes a deep breath and opens the door to the living room, sitting down on the couch. Jeongguk on the other hand is getting more scared every passing second for what Taehyung has to say.
"I like you Jeongguk, you're a great friend. You're an awesome man and you're so sweet, caring and loving. I do not regret meeting you and i do not regret smearing paint all over your daughter. But you had no reason to kiss me."

Jeongguk opens his mouth to say something but a finger on his lips shuts him up.
"No talking. I'm the one to talk."
Jeongguk nods and bites his lip, god did Taehyung hate it when he did that because he always looks so good.
"I just want to wipe that pretty smile off of your face and never come back because you're so goddamn beautiful inside and out and it annoys me."

Jeongguk nods again, fidgeting with his fingers and his foot taps the floor anxiously. The younger male was not prepared to hear all this stuff from Taehyung.

"It annoys me because i'm scared to fall in love with you and it annoys me because i've never felt this way and i just want to grab your goddamn face and kiss the living shit out of you."
Jeongguk's eyes widen and he slightly lifts his head, connecting gazes with the elder, again wanting to speak up but getting cut off.

Taehyung grabs Jeongguk's collar and presses his lips onto the younger's, their mouths colliding into a soft, passionate but needy kiss. Both boys had been waiting for this for months and finally they get accepted by the other.

Jeongguk snakes his arms around Taehyung's waist and pulls him onto his lap, making Taehyung straddle him. Taehyung smiles into the kiss and bites Jeongguk's lower lip, capturing it between his teeth and tugging at it. His hand makes it's way to Jeongguk's face, cupping his cheek gently and one hand gripping onto his hair. The younger smiles against Taehyung's lips, his left hand trailing down Taehyung's waist towards his hip and grips it tightly.

The younger softly but firmly slaps Taehyung's ass, making him gasp and give Jeongguk the opportunity to slide his tongue between the male's lips. The older male inhales a sharp breath, pulling away and tilting his head backwards. Jeongguk saw this as an opportunity to latch his lips onto the male's neck, softly biting the skin and placing kisses against it.

The sound of the door unlocking and Neri's giggles widens Jeongguk's eyes, making him push Taehyung off of him and onto the left side of the couch. A groan leaves the male's throat, who is now laying on his back on the couch, a soft pout on his lips and his arms crossed.
"What the heck was that for?"

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