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Jimin bounces the little girl on his leg, smiling at her and feeding her a spoon of strawberry ice cream whenever he feels like it. Taehyung fidgets with his sleeve and looks out of the window every few seconds to see if Neri's mom will peek around the corner and take the girl with her.

Neri's loud giggles surprise the male, he turns his head towards Jimin and Neri and watches how Namjoon is crouched down next to the booth with a plush, pink octopus in his hands. The girl extends her hands and takes it from the male, cuddling it close to her chest and kissing its head.
"Thankies, Namjoonie."
Neri makes grabby-hands towards the male and kisses his cheek to thank him for the plushie.

Taehyung chuckles and looks at his best friend, who is looking down at the girl in his lap, a bright smile spread on his lips and eyes turned into crescents.
"I get why you like Neri so much, she's adorable, Tae."
Taehyung nods and smiles, leaning his head on his hand and observes Neri's actions.

Namjoon stands besides the table, tray in his hand. The male places Taehyung's macchiato iced coffee down in front of him and smiles at him.
Taehyung hands the male a tip and smiles sweetly, getting startled when the door flies open and aggressively rings the bell hanging above it.

Two heads with dark locks look around the room until they spot Taehyung sitting in his booth. He stands up and walks towards the two, greeting them with a hug.
"She's been good, no complaints and she enjoyed her ice cream."
Taehyung smiles softly at Jeongguk, noticing how pale he looked and how warm he felt against his own skin.
"You really look like you're dying, Gguk."
Taehyung cocks his head to the side, his bangs slightly falling over his eyes and a soft smile displayed on his lips.

"I know, but someone can't stay occupied with some pencils and needs to play with living beings."
Taehyung giggles and tucks a strand of hair behind Jeongguk's ear.

"Sit with us for a second?"
Jeongguk nods and pulls his coat around his body, smiling softly to the older boy.

"Not too long though, i don't want to make people sick."
Taehyung nods and leads him to the booth where his best friend is waiting for him to come back and take the girl away from him.

Jeongguk extends his arms towards the little girl, who shakes her head and crawls back onto Jimin's lap with her arms tighly around his neck. The youngest male raises his eyebrow, acting like he's hurt.
"B-but Neri. Daddy wants cuddles."
Jeongguk pouts cutely and acts like he wipes away his tears. The little girls' head turns around when she hears his sobs.

"O-oh no! Daddy don't cries!"
She jumps off of Jimin and makes her way towards her dad, hugging his thigh and telling him how sorry she is for choosing 'uncle' Chim over him. A sly smile spreads over Jeongguk's lips, he swipes her off of her feet and attacks her face with kisses.
"Ew! Daddy's sick!"
She sticks her tongue out in disgust and looks at her mom in a way that tells her to make him stop because it's gross. Jihae shrugs and playfully punches Jeongguk's shoulder, taking their daughter away from his grip.

Jeongguk pouts softly and fake cries again, the male extends his arms and makes grabby-hands towards his princess only to receive a slap in the face with a fry.

"Oh, right. Jeongguk, Jihae, this is Jimin. He's my best friend."
Jimin smiles in a victorious manner and extends his hand to shake Jihae's, cringing when he looks at Jeongguk's sick state. Jeongguk laughs softly and stand up, thanking Taehyung for fishing Neri off of the street again and tells Jimin that it was nice to meet him.
"Let me go with you, i can make you a hot bowl of chicken soup, how does that sound?"
Jeongguk smiles softly and nods, it indeed sounds great to the male and Taehyung's presence would definitely cheer him up.

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