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Jeongguk looks over his shoulder, the giggles of his princess ringing in his ears, his brown eyes noticing that Taehyung and Neri are trying to catch a butterfly, the older man pointing at it and crouching down in front of the bush the creature is landed on. Sparkly eyes and wide smiles make the younger male smile too, adoring how the two get along with each other.

"Tae, baby?"
Taehyung turns his head towards the younger male with a smile displayed on his face, a cock of his eyebrow and him standing up makes Jeongguk's eyes trail along with his body. Taehyung's beautiful, well build but very pretty and delicate body.
"We need to head home, Jihae will be there soon to pick up the little princess."
Taehyung nods sweetly and stands up before grabbing the little girls hand to guide her towards her father. Jeongguk scoops her up, making her giggle loudly and hit her tiny fists onto his chest. The older male couldn't stop looking at the two with sparkly eyes and a smile tugging at his lips.

"Cans i has a bubfly at home?"
Jeongguk cocks one of his eyebrows and looks at her with a weird expression on his face.

"Why would you want a butterfly, princess? They're delicate creatures and need to be outside to survive, see the world and enjoy their lives."
Jeongguk speaks softly while placing her on his hip and walking hand in hand with his boyfriend back to Jeongguk's home.

"But i wants a bubfly to play with."
The little girl pouts and crosses her arms over her chest, a little puff of air leaving her pink-tinted lips, making both males chuckle.

"Neri, your daddy is right, butterflies can't live inside houses like we got. They need special houses- called cocoons - where they grow up in and get their pretty colors from. The little girl nods and mumbles a quiet 'okay' only to follow with a 'can i has a puppy?'.

"Ask mommy, i'm sure she'll say yes."
Jeongguk chuckles and looks at Taehyung, knowing that a tiny little surprise will be waiting for the little girl back at Jeongguk's house.

The younger male places the little girl back onto her feet only to latch onto Taehyung's leg and get picked up again. The male chuckles at his boyfriend and daughter before opening the door and hang up his coat. Jeongguk's eyes scan the hallway for Jimin's shoes, which he found underneath the radiator near the door.
"Okay princess, give me your coat and go show your new drawings to Taehyung, okay?"
The girl nods happily and wraps her fingers around Taehyung's index finger before pulling at it and guiding him into the living room.

A happy little squeal fills the room when she notices Jimin sitting on the couch, not noticing the other presence in the room. Taehyung snickers softly when his best friend shoots him a confused look about why she isn't noticing the little creature on the floor.
"Hey, Neri. Look around the room, what do you notice?"
She squints her eyes and glares around the room, arms still wrapped around Jimin's neck. When Neri notices a little ball of fluff on top of a dog bed looking at her, she squeals another te and latches herself towards the animal.

"Told you she'd like him."
Jeongguk laughs softly and hugs Taehyung from behind, placing a soft, lingering kiss against his neck. Taehyung nods and looks over his shoulder to connect gazes with Jeongguk, receiving a sweet kiss on the lips.

"Sure, baby. Act like this was your idea."
Taehyung playfully pokes his finger into Jeongguk's side and rolls his eyes, regretting it immediately when Jeongguk picks him up and throws him onto the couch, almost making him collide with Jimin's sitting frame.

"Yo, this is not what i signed up for!"
Jimin stands up and starts gathering his stuff, including the dog bed and the puppy.
"Come on, little one. Let's get you to momma's house."
The girl nods and runs over to Jimin who's already waiting for her with her coat in his hands.

The boys bid each other their goodbye's and giggle when the door closes.
"I got a surprise for you too."
Jeongguk stretches his body so he can reach into his pocket and pull out a little box.
"It may be a little early but you're comfortable here and we like you around so, maybe you say yes. It's perfectly fine if you want to wait though."

"Yes, Jeongguk. I want this."

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