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Taehyung steps onto the sidewalk, a sigh leaves his pink lips. The bad weather didn't stop him from walking to a few streets away from his own house. His thoughts about Jeongguk's question and the messages he's ignoring from the younger made his brain feel like it's going to explode. Taehyung was scared, to say at least. The male looks around him, hood on his head and hair sticking to his face due to the rain falling down on him and onto his cheeks.

Another sighs leaves his throat, teeth sink into his lip and a grunt leaves his mouth. Why couldn't he just go on a date with him? Taehyung was scared and annoyed. Annoyed with himself and annoyed with Jeongguk, he doesn't know why but he just is. Maybe because the younger is so attractive, maybe because he was way too bold with his text in the first place but maybe because Taehyung just didn't expect the younger to like him in such a way. The boy thinks and comes to the conclusion it's not Jeongguk's fault and that he forced him to text his crush in the first place.

The male steps into a puddle and curses under his breath, his shoes and socks now wet with mud and rain. If Taehyung had to choose something he found something disgusting, it were wet socks.

Taehyung walks up the porch, hand slowly extending towards the dark wood, hestitating for a second but he knocks after scolding himself. The door clumsily opens, revealing Neri dangling on the wood because she is too short to actually reach the lock.
"Neri, what did i say about opening the door when-"

"O-oh. Taehyung."
Jeongguk smiles softly, a confused look in his eyes. It's noticeable that the younger wouldn't have expected for the elder to stand on his porch in this weather. He didn't expect it at all in the first place after the event occurred to be really honest.
"C-come in. It's freezing."
Jeongguk runs upstairs and opens his closet, he pulls out a black pair of sweatpants and a grey shirt, a towel draping over his shoulder when he runs downstairs again.

"Thank you."
The male hands him the clothes and smiles at Taehyung, draping the towel over his shoulders.
"You can change your clothes in my room, call for me when you're done."

Taehyung nods and smiles sweetly. The boy makes his way up the stairs and follows Jeongguk's instructions, first room right in front of you when you walk up the stairs. The male opens the door and peeks inside, black furniture combined with light grey walls and light grey sheets on his bed. A grey lamp is stood in the corner of the room, illuminating the room with warm light. The tv is hung on the wall in front of his bed, a desk is set up on the right side of the room, the left has big windows and a door which leads to the balcony.

Taehyung smiles when he sees a modern stereo underneath the tv with a few cabinets next to it, filled with cd's.
Taehyung whispers to himself when he sees that they quite share the same music taste. The male walks over to the bed, dropping the fresh clothes onto the sheets. He strips from his shirt and drops it onto the ground, his jeans following. Taehyung helps himself into the slight bigger clothes, seeing how Jeongguk's shirt almost forms a short dress on his upper body. Taehyung smiles when Jeongguk's cologne is trapped into the fabric, he pulls the collar slightly towards his nose and sniffs it, his smile brightening.

Jeongguk speaks from behind the door, even though it's his room, he still gives the male his privacy.

"I just finished, come in."
Jeongguk turns the doorknob and looks at the boy, damn did he look good in his clothes.

"You look great."
Jeongguk picks Taehyung's wet clothes up and ruffles the towel through the elder's hair, fluffing it up cutely.
"Come on, i'll get rid of these and you'll be picking up the hot cup of tea i made you."
Taehyung nods shyly and walks downstairs, Neri greeting him by clinging to his leg.

"Are you's daddy's boyfriend now? He never gives people his clothes except for mommy!"
Taehyung picks the girl up and lets her sit on his arm, carrying her to the couch and placing her down before walking off and grabbing his cup of tea.

"No, Neri. Daddy and i are real good friends.."
She nods and takes a sip out of her own cup with apple juice.

"So, i assume you're here for something?"
Jeongguk leans against the doorframe and smiles, walking into the living room and sitting on the other side of the couch to try and not make Taehyung uncomfortable.

"Yes, yes i am."

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