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Third Person POV

(Takes place before she attacked Mila and the fam)

Carla's hands were in her pockets as she strolled along the beach. She released a sigh and continued staring at the passing boats. She leaned against the cave as the calm waves rolled along the beach. Everything was calm and peaceful and-

"Ow!" Carla winced as something hit her head.

She looked down to notice a rock next to her. Carla then looked upwards to find a girl seated atop the cave. The girl was playing with her hair while reading a book. The girl's legs were crossed and absentmindedly kicking the air.

"Hola?" Carla called to her.

The girl looked down and arched a brow. She removed her headphones and sent Carla a quizzical look.

"Me has dado una patada en la cabeza." Carla deadpanned.


"You kicked a rock at my head." Carla repeated in English.

"Me?" The girl innocently pointed at herself.

"Yes, you." Carla rolled her eyes. "See anyone else around here?" The girl took her time to look around. "There's no one else here." Carla scoffed.


"Why what? Why'd you kick the rock?" The girl nodded at Carla. "I don't know. I should be asking you that. Why'd you kick a rock at me?"

"No." The girl shook her head.

"Yes, you did."

"Whoops?" The girl smirked and shrugged.

"You did that on purpose, didn't you?" Carla smirked at the impish look in her eyes. "If you wanted to speak to me, all you had to do was say hi." Carla playfully tossed a pebble at the girl.

"Not fun." The girl snickered.

Carla shook her head in amusement. She looked around and observed the cave's exterior. Carla walked off resulting in the girl craning her neck. Carla walked to the other side and felt along the rocks. She then pulled herself up and climbed along the side. Carla climbed to the top to see the girl giving her an impressed look.

"What are you reading?" Carla approached the pretty girl.

"Book." The girl held it up.

"I assumed it was a book." Carla chuckled and sat across from her. "I also assume English isn't your first language. You definitely don't know a thing about Spanish either."

"Ya." The girl was slightly embarrassed.

"Where are you from?"

"Umm... an island." The girl placed the book down. "English is better."

"Either you're being coy or you're not understanding my question." Carla raised a brow. "What country are you from?"

"Not this one." The girl smirked.

"I've never struggled this much for conversation with a girl. Maybe you're not worth it." Carla faux sighed and stood.

"Wait!" The girl grabbed Carla's hand. "Sorry, I didn't mean to come across as rude."

"Ahh, full sentences now." Carla chuckled and sat down. "So you're fluent in English."

"And Spanish." The girl admitted. "I'm from Bermuda... or that general area."

"Got it. I've heard it's beautiful, but haven't been."

"The beaches are the best part." The girl sighed. "I miss it."

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