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The dense fog clung to the night, wrapping the isolated facility in an eerie silence. Hidden among the shadows, Carla, a notorious assassin, studied the compound from her vantage point. Her keen eyes noted every movement, every detail. Clad in black, she blended seamlessly with the darkness, her figure barely discernible.

With practiced precision, Carla scaled the outer fence, her movements fluid and silent. She landed softly on the other side, immediately melding with the shadows. Ahead, two guards patrolled the perimeter, their eyes scanning the darkness. Carla waited, her breath steady, her muscles coiled like a spring.

When the guards turned their backs, Carla struck. She moved like a wraith, her silenced pistol whispering death. The first guard dropped without a sound, a small hole between his eyes. The second guard barely had time to register his partner's fall before Carla was upon him, a swift kick to his knee sending him to the ground. She silenced his startled gasp with a precise bullet to the head.

Carla moved forward, her steps quick and deliberate. She reached the main entrance and effortlessly bypassed the security system with tools from her belt. The heavy door creaked open, and she slipped inside, immediately scanning her surroundings.

The interior of the facility was stark and sterile, illuminated by harsh fluorescent lights. Carla kept to the shadows, her senses heightened. She encountered another guard in the corridor and dispatched him with a combination of hand-to-hand combat and lethal precision. His neck snapped with a sickening crunch, and she dragged his body into a nearby storage room.

Carla navigated the labyrinthine hallways, avoiding security cameras and evading detection with ease. She reached the control room and hacked into the system, locating Thea's cell. Thea was on the lower level, in a reinforced room guarded by two armed men.

Carla descended the stairs, her footsteps silent. She reached the cell and assessed the situation. The guards were alert, their eyes scanning the corridor. Carla took a deep breath, her mind focused. She darted from her hiding place, her gun blazing. The first guard fell instantly, a bullet between his eyes. The second guard fired a shot, but Carla dodged and closed the distance, disarming him with a swift twist of his wrist. She finished him with a brutal elbow strike to the temple.

Thea's eyes widened as Carla approached, recognition and relief washing over her face. Carla quickly picked the lock and swung the door open. "Come on," she whispered, urgency in her voice.

Thea, though weak, managed to stand with Carla's support. They moved quickly, retracing Carla's path through the facility. Alarms blared, but Carla remained calm, her movements precise and efficient. She took out any guards they encountered with ruthless efficiency, her reputation as a deadly assassin well-earned.

They reached the exit and slipped into the night, the facility behind them a chaotic blur of lights and sirens. Carla led Thea to a hidden vehicle and helped her inside. The engine roared to life, and they sped away, leaving the facility and its confusion far behind.

As the adrenaline began to fade, Thea looked at Carla, gratitude and awe in her eyes. "Thank you," she whispered.

"I took longer than I wanted to." Carla's grip tightened on the wheel.

"You still found me." She gave Carla a tired smile.

"Still." Carla spared her a glance. "I'd have liked to have been faster. They kept moving your location."

"You were catching on."

"Ya, I just-"

"Watch out!" Thea screamed.

Carla's eyes widened as a person appeared out of nowhere. She swerved the car at the last second. Her arm shot across Thea's chest as they braced for impact. Thea screamed when they barreled into a tree. She then raised her arms as the airbags deployed. Carla pushed the airbags away to ensure Thea wasn't severely harmed.

"Are you alright?"

"Ya." Thea fervently nodded.

"Stay." Carla cocked her gun and exited the car.

Carla raised her gun while her eyes darted around the forest. It was pitch black, so it was hard to see anyone. Carla then closed her eyes and opened it. She enacted her snake vision and could see heat signatures of various objects. She snarled since she noticed a figure a distance away. Carla released a warning shot in the direction.

What surprised her was the person moved closer. Carla aimed the gun at the person's head and was about to pull the trigger, but Thea sprinted to her side. Thea raised the flashlight and gasped when the light illuminated the person.

"What's wrong?" Carla's finger was on the trigger.


"Who?" Carla sneered.

"My brother." Thea's voice shook in fear.

"You're terrified?"

"They found me." Tears fell from Thea's eyes. 

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