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Amelia's POV

Jade was kind enough to help me make sandwiches. I noticed Zena was outside by herself, so I grabbed an extra sandwich and approached her. She gave me a soft smile as I handed it to her. Zena allowed me to sit next to her while we ate.

"I was first angry at how you kept everything from us." I turned when Zena spoke. "But now, I understand that you were protecting us." She paused. "I was so scared that she would've killed you." Zena whispered. "I couldn't lose both of you- not again."

"Zena." I hugged her.

"And I know we were all holding back a little, but- even when I stepped it up,she was faster and stronger and better."

"I'll admit that she bested me. I was originally pulling my punches, but after I thought she'd severely hurt you, I didn't pull them. And I didn't know if I was capable of saving you." I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "I feel inadequate at times. I'm doubting my abilities as a mother and protector."

"Don't be." Zena rubbed my arm. "You're doing exceptionally well."

"How are you faring? I know you had trouble controlling your emotions at the school. And then not having Acacia?"

"The emotions are somehow stable now. I think I'm numb and in disbelief." Zena furrowed her brows. "Mum, I need Acacia."

"I'm- your safety-"

"I know, but she's my wife and-"

"ZENA!" We turned at Yeira's shrill voice. "Come on! You promised to go exploring with me." Yeira walked to Zena. "Let's go, mopey."

"I'll talk to you later." I kissed Zena's head and stood up.

"Coming." She groaned at Yeira. 'Ugh, why are there so many snakes around here." Zena looked grossed out as she jumped over one and followed Yeira.

"Be careful." I narrowed my eyes at the snake.

"Mia!" Zayn beckoned me over. "We managed to securely move Hailey out of the US. She's on a flight bound for New Zealand and will then be transported here via boat. Lexi is with Alena."

"Alec made aware?"

"His mother was sent to him." Jade waltzed towards us. "Tried to get Hailey to go as well, but she stubbornly wants to help bring Lara back."

"That's sweet." I smiled at the thought. "So Lexi is going to the vamp realm to protect Alena-"

"No." Matt spoke from inside, so we walked into the kitchen. "There have been issues in the vamp realm. Threats of uprising. Radicals trying to overtake the thrown. Remember, they took Sophie. And with Lara's death and Zena's ascension, the realm has been unstable. More threats to Alec's reign than ever before. Lexi going is to provide more security to Sophie. She's going to be Sophie's personal guard. Alena going is to inform Alec firsthand and come up with a solution."

"Then, tell it to Hailey?" He nodded at me. "More complicated than it should be." I slyly spoke.

"Hey, the sooner we know Geneve's plan, the better." Jade stated.

"Perhaps, I can help with that." We turned and raised our guns at the voice. "Hostile, much?"

Our glares only hardened as we stared Carla down. Carla had a cocky smirk on her face, so I cocked the gun. She tilted her head and slowly raised her hands.

"What do you want?"

"I came to say hi." She lowered her hands, so I fired a warning shot near her head.

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