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Third Person POV 

Timo carried an unconscious Delta to the hotel room while Acacia was bewildered how Hana was here. They convened in the hotel living room. Timo signaled for Naomi to help bind Delta to a chair.

"How are you here? How'd you find me?" Acacia asked Hana.

"Yeira I broke up."

"Thank god!" Acacia announced.

"But, I want her back."

"Oh dear Satan." Acacia pinched the bridge of her nose.

"It was my fault. I was a bitch to her and she didn't deserve it. She ran off, but I thought she was in the East Asian realm. Took me a while to realize she left it. She didn't even tell Lexi before leaving." Hana sighed.

"And then-"

"Lexi figured it out and then left to find her. I stayed because Lexi told me it would be best to give Yeira some time. And I planned on doing that-"

"Then, Lara died." Hana nodded at Acacia's words. "And you came back for the funeral."

"I wanted to make sure she was okay. And she stated she was and for me to go back to the realm."

"What changed?"

"Lexi came back to inform us that Yeira was in deep shit with supernatural Interpol or something? She didn't go into detail, but said it was really bad. She left and I couldn't just stand around. I decided I had to come and help her."

"And you came to me?" Acacia was still confused.

"Well, quickly realized Yeira didn't want to be found, so thought the next best thing would be to find Zena... through you."

"Through me?" Acacia gave her a look.

"We figured you'd be the easiest to find."

"We?" Ulyana asked.

"We, baby!" Shinra entered with a boom box on his shoulder.

"You've got to be kidding me." Pyotr muttered.

"He wanted to tag along with us." Hana nudged her head towards Kazuomi. "He's my friend and was helping me."

"Kinda needed him because of his sense of smell." Kazu explained. "And he knows elvish flesh."

Pyotr's face turned red at the implication. Shinra chugged a bottle of champagne before tossing the boom box at Pyotr. Pyotr karate chopped it in half.

"He knew your sister's scent and apparently it's very similar to yours." Hana shrugged.

"Well, I am glad to see you!" Acacia hugged the girl.

"Mind explaining what happened?" Kazu politely asked. "We entered the casino and watched you nearly get bitten?"

"I had to swiftly fire a tranquillizing dart." Hana added.

"Ya, she was trying to abduct me to get to Zena. But, that's not important." Acacia fanned them off.

"Where's my girl?!" Shinra jumped on the table and began dancing.

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