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Third Person POV 

"You good?" Nat kicked her legs onto Shinra's lap.

"This jet isn't up to my standards." Pyotr huffed.

"You have standards?" Acacia raised a brow.


"Pyotr, you should be grateful not to be flying commercial in the middle next to a toilet with a crying baby in front of you and a toddler kicking the back of your chair." Ulyana said that in one breath.

"Couldn't have said it better myself." Delta nuzzled deeper in her seat.

"So how old are you?" Hana asked the vampire.

"Hmm... a few centuries."

"How old when you turned?" Kazu asked.

"12. I was an orphan and that was my escape from the orphanage. They didn't treat the kids as well as they do nowadays."

"It's a hit or miss depending on the orphanage." Acacia shrugged.

"Ya, like Addy is an orphan and she ended up well." Nat grinned.

"Ya, after her family was brutally murdered by your kind." Naomi winked at Nat, who huffed.

"Aren't you both supposed to be like family?" Acacia asked.

"Doesn't mean we don't have family gossip." Naomi teased Nat.

"You're related?" Shinra pointed between the two.

"Nearly all devils are somewhat related." Nat shrugged. "And she's a succubi, which is a subspecies of demon and devils are demons."


"Little girl-" Pyotr spoke aloud.

"Baby boy trapped in an elder body." Delta retorted.

"I'm not a baby!"

"Since you're an adult." Nat played with Acacia's fingers. "Have you had sex?" Everyone looked at Nat like she was crazy. "Hey, it's just that she has the body of a child, so I was wondering-"

"That's true. Isn't it weird if a guy is into that?" Shinra scratched his head. "Wouldn't he be a pedo?"

"Huh, Delta attracts the pedos." Pyotr laughed, so Timo hit his arm.

Delta rolled her eyes and went back to listening to her AirPods.


Kazu and Hana walked ahead to slice up the jungle leaves with their swords. Pyotr would make jabs at Delta, but Delta always had a quick comeback. Pyotr shoved past us and grabbed Hana's sword. He then began cutting the leaves, leaving Hana in complete confusion.

"What are your plans afterwards?" Timo asked Hana.


"Yes, with all this knowledge. What's your next move?"

"I don't-"

"I'll summarize it for you." Ulyana spoke. "Geneve is in the process of flooding the human realm to make it a vampire state. After, she plans to invade the other realms and make vampires the top of the food chain. She seeks to enslave the other species."

"Not that I have a problem with that." Delta smirked.


"Ya." Acacia sighed. "She's diabolical."

"She's made moves in the human realm already." Delta quipped. "Russia and some Eastern European countries."

"That's insane!" Hana exclaimed. "I have to warn Inari."

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