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Amelia's POV

"Where are you going?" Jade questioned.

"We need answers and sitting here lost is a waste of time." I gathered my stuff. "I need intel."

"And where do you plan to get that from?" Matt entertained me.

"Oh, the golden boy of the bureau." Zayn's mouth dropped at my words.

"You're not going to walk into his house, Mia!" Matt snapped.

"I'll pretend to engage your idea." Jade spoke. "I said pretend." She looked at Matt, who shook his head. "But, you're expecting him to abide by your rules? And think he'll tell you stuff? What reality are you living in?!"

"The reality I create." I winked. "Don't wait up for me."

"Where does he even live?" Zayn asked. "Like I don't even know."

"Keep it that way." I smirked and left my grumbling friends.

I closed the door and made my way to the car. I thought for a moment and then said screw it. I turned the car on and began the 6hr drive north. Luckily, there wasn't much traffic, so I arrived well before nightfall. I parked the car a distance away and patiently waited for the night to approach.


Around 2 am, the light was switched on. I didn't react and continued cleaning my gun. The fridge opened for the man to retrieve some water. When he closed the door, he turned in my direction and stopped.

"Trouble sleeping?"

"Early morning?" He countered before sighing. "May I offer you a drink?"

"I'm quenched."

"May I inquire what you're doing at my house?" Julian crossed his arms. "How'd you even find my house?"

 "How'd you even find my house?"

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"I know you did your research." I ignored him. "And have thoughts in your findings."

"You wouldn't be wrong." He walked to a kitchen drawer to open it. Julian took out a folder before tossing it onto the table. "That'll explain my findings."

I took the folder and opened it. My brows were knit together at the report. Based on the wounds, it was indicative of another killer. Yeira was cleared according to the report. But, another test was performed... a DNA test. However, the test were inconclusive.

"Inconclusive or erased?" I raised a brow.

"You are aware of the catastrophe those results would bring?" He knitted his brows.

"I wouldn't know." I closed the folder. "How many people know of this private investigation?"

"You and I." Julian answered. "I don't think others would be as composed as us in this situation."

"Are you really?"

"You are aware of what would happen if people find out the person in the video is not Yeira?" He paused. "That's a whole other issue. A major one. And then to add to that... oh, this person is actually a de-aged version of Allura Sangpure?"

"So it is really her."

"DNA evidence confirms it." He nodded. "Yeira's DNA is extremely similar to hers, so I was tempted to claim it as Yeira."

"You want to frame my daughter?" I raised a brow.

"It's a better option than telling the world Allura is alive. Do you understand the magnitude of that statement?! And that Allura is assisting Geneve."

"I really wish you were there when she broke Geneve out."

"Why? So I'd be a casualty?" He scoffed.

"So you could assess her mannerisms. I want to know her posture. Her tone. Her eyes. I want to know how much control Geneve has over her. And why she came for that woman. There's more to the story."

"More to the story?" He didn't seem convinced. "She defected to the other side."

"No, Julian. You're only looking at one angle. Based on her history with Geneve, Lara wouldn't freely work with her. There's more to it. And why hasn't she come to see me or her kids?"

"Doesn't want you involved?" Julian shrugged.

"I'm not convinced." I shook my head. "I honestly wish it were that."

"Then, what do you think?"

"I didn't really come to speak about Lara." I bypassed his question. "I came for a favor."

"That file was a favor." Julian pointed out.

"No, it was to placate your curiosity and then you wanted an audience to present it. You're welcome." I smirked at his glare. "I'm here because I need intel on where my kids are." I watched him sit back in his seat. "Your men terrorized my daughters' school, so tell me where you chased them to."

"Terrorized is a strong word." He paused when I narrowed my eyes. "I'd say gently prodded." He smirked when I rolled my eyes. "As far as I know, they were in Oregon and now are not."


"North American vampire coven." He stated.

"The Peugeots." I slowly spoke and watched him nod. "You assume they were housing them."

"They were interrogated, but no. Your kids aren't there... at least, not anymore."

"Any leads?"

"I should be asking you that." He stated. "Have any information that would be useful to the case?"

"This was a waste of time." I stood up. "Neither of us are closer to finding them." I ran a hand through my hair. "Good night, Julian." I went to leave.

"We have no solid leads." He stated. "Though, I think it'd be plausible to assume frightened fugitives would seek solace of those considered friends or trustworthy. Kinda like a safe house." I nodded since I had an idea where he was going with this. "And would choose the location closest to them. Considering they were believed to be in Oregon, they'd have to cross states to arrive where they believe they'd be protected-"

"Got it." I looked over my shoulder. "How many share the same thought process as you?"

"Who knows? This is purely hypothetical."

"I agree. Thank you."

"You're welcome and if I had to assume, no teams would be cleared or given a mission to engage unless the superiors agreed to it. And those things could take days..." Julian clicked his tongue. "Could be 4 days or so. No way to know."

"You're right." I smirked. "You've been utterly unhelpful." I winked.

"Same to you." He smirked. I went to leave, but he spoke up again. "I just realized something." He chuckled.


"You planned for this." I gave him a look to expand. "You're a skilled agent, so you knew where the trip alarms were and purposely triggered them, so I'd know you were here."

"I was here to get information. Had to make sure you gathered everything in time."

"I don't know what information you allude to." Julian stood and grabbed the file. "That'd imply an investigation occurred." He lit the lighter. "And I have no knowledge of that." He lit the folder of the file and tossed the burning paper in a can. "Do you?"

"Nope." I popped the p. "See you soon."

"You better hope not." He walked back up his stairs. "Good night."

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