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^^Young Lara

Third Person POV 

Lara's hands were in her coat pocket as she assessed the blood bags happily strolling around her. One of them brushed past her as he ran after his friends. Lara lowly growled at the insult for a human to touch her. Lara dusted off her arm and entered what looked to be a public square.

It irritated her that she didn't understand their language. Geneve had insisted they go to England for some reason. Lara's stared at an electronic store? She recognized the rectangular box Geneve often used to speak to others a distance away. Lara entered the store and sidestepped a group of humans.

Lara walked to an empty space and picked up the device. She didn't understand the sign or what the object was called. Lara turned it around since she had no idea how to operate it.

"Hi! May I help you?" An eager girl approached. Lara gave the girl a blank stare since she didn't understand a word out her mouth. "Wow, you're pretty." The girl dreamily said, but Lara didn't react. "Can I help you?" The girl tried again.

"Uhh..." Lara looked at her in confusion.

"Help? Trabajor?" The girl then bonked herself on the head. "Sorry, I'm not good with Spanish." Lara still stared at her blankly. "Umm... Spanish? No. Italian? No. French? N-"

"Français?" Lara spoke.

"Fran- French!" The girl cheered. "I don't know that." She pouted.

"Qu'est-ce que tu es-"

"One sec!" The girl ran off.

Lara stared at the girl's back in complete and utter confusion. She just shrugged and went back to observing the object. Soon enough, she sensed two people before her. The same girl with a guy. The girl thanked him before helping someone else.

"Salut, je m'appelle Ethan. Puis-je vous aider?" (Hi, I'm Ethan. Can I help you?)

"Vous parlez ma langue." (You speak my language.) Lara stated. "Dans quelle langue me parlait-elle ?" (What was she speaking to me in?)

"Anglais?" (English?) He thought the question was weird. "Nous sommes en Angleterre après tout." (We are in England after all)

"Je vois." (I see.) Lara hummed.

"Eh bien, voudriez-vous acheter un téléphone ?" (Well, would you like to buy a phone?)

"Comment fais-tu pour que ça marche ?" (How does one operate this thing?) Lara peered at it.

"Oh, laisse-moi te montrer." (Oh, let me show you.)

The man patiently went through the apps and how to use a phone. He worried he was going too fast, but Lara clarified that she was keeping up. He then showed Lara how Google translate worked. Lara smiled to herself at finding a cheat code to understanding these feeble humans.

"That would be the easiest way to understand others. Unless you want to learn the language." (That'd be the easiest way to understand others. Unless you want to learn the language.)He laughed.

"Apprendre la langue ?" (Learn the language?) Lara pondered a moment. "Comment ça?" (How so?)

"Il existe des programmes pour cela comme Duolingo. Mais je ne pense pas que ce soit si bon. Cela n'enseigne pas la prononciation correcte. Ou des cours. Ou, à l'ancienne, avec un manuel." (There are programs for that like Duolingo. Though, I don't think it's that good. It doesn't teach proper pronunciation. Or, classes. Or, the old fashion way with a textbook.)

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